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BBVA Podcast 26 Apr 2019

Podcast: "Location has become less important" with technology

Multiple tech startups are disrupting the old guard and traditional way of doing things. Some people don't even step foot inside of a grocery store anymore, choosing to stock their fridge with an online app or website from their couch.

00:00 18:32

Tech startups are popping up like weeds, seemingly changing the business landscape across the country. But what does it take to build one of these ideas from the ground up? How does one know which industry is ripe for the picking in terms of digital disruption? How do you cut through the noise and make your tech startup a formidable rival to others?

Finally, when you think of these companies, you think of San Francisco or New York. Or even Austin, Texas. Those locations have been deemed hotbeds for tech startup development.

That begs the question - does location matter?

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