Unoe customers are now integrated in BBVA
Unoe's integration in BBVA has been successfully completed. Starting this week, the online bank's customers are now to all effects part of the Group.

From now on, the 1.6 million Unoe customers will be able to make use of a wide range of features that will allow them to make their transactions remotely via the BBVA website or app, and a wider variety of transactions in the extensive network of branches (over 3,300) and ATMs all over Spain (more than 6,700).
As before, the customers will pay no administration and maintenance fees on their accounts, and their accounts will remain exactly the same. And if they have a debit or credit card they can continue using it just as they have done until now for purchases and cash withdrawals.
To respond to any possible queries, BBVA has set up a special toll-free helpline for customers (900 811 426), which will remain open for a few months.
BBVA agreed Unoe's integration in the group last March. 16 years ago the bank pioneered online banking with the launch of Unoe in March 2000, and now reinforces its transformation process by incorporating all its online customers under the same brand.