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Planet> Climate change Updated: 03 May 2023

Garanti BBVA once again recognized at the CDP Turkish chapter

Garanti BBVA, as main sponsor of the Turkish division of CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project), the world's largest environmental reporting platform run in Türkiye by the Sabancı University Corporate Governance Forum, welcomed the results announced at the 13th Climate Change Conference and Award Ceremony of CDP Turkish chapter. Garanti BBVA Sustainability Manager Seray İmer received the award on behalf of the bank, which is once again on the A List at the global level according to the CDP 2022 results.

Delivering the opening speech of the conference, Garanti BBVA Deputy General Manager Işıl Akdemir Evlioğlu said, “We have once again witnessed the 2022 results in the growing sphere of influence of CDP Türkiye, with which we have been in cooperation for many years. As Garanti BBVA, we have been reporting transparently to CDP Climate Change since 2009 and to the CDP Water Program since 2015.”

CDP's 2022 results in Türkiye show a 21 percent increase in the proportion of companies disclosing their environmental data under CDP's three main programs: climate change, water security and deforestation. The potential financial impact of climate risk far outweighs the cost required to address it. In 2022, the total financial impact of risk identified by companies in Türkiye is around $24 billion, while $2.6 billion would suffice to avoid the risk. The most reported risk factor by companies in Türkiye was carbon pricing mechanisms.