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Garanti BBVA 24 Jan 2024

Garanti BBVA hosts its fourth 'Sustainable Future in Exports' meeting in Bursa, Türkiye

As part of its strategic commitment to sustainability and inclusive growth, Garanti BBVA continues to host its series of events around the theme 'Sustainable Future in Exports.' The fourth installment of the series—previously held in Istanbul, Gaziantep, and İzmir—unfolded this year in Bursa.

Garanti BBVA celebra en Bursa (Turquía) la cuarta conferencia de su programa sobre sostenibilidad en exportaciones

Gathering key players in  Türkiye’s third-largest city by export volume, the event was presided by Garanti BBVA CEO Recep Baştuğ. The event showcased Garanti BBVA's commitment to fostering sustainable business practices and facilitating informed discussion among industry leaders.

Valuable insights into the economic dimensions of the European Green Deal and the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism were presented by Professor Etem Karakaya, a distinguished lecturer in the Department of Economics at Eskişehir Osmangazi University.

Following this, Garanti BBVA CEO Recep Baştuğ himself spoke on Bursa's readiness for the far-reaching changes outlined in the upcoming EU regulations.

Against the backdrop of the bank’s commitment to sustainability for the past 17 years, Baştuğ emphasized the urgency of addressing the climate crisis. He warned of the imminent threat of reaching the 1.5-degree Celsius warming limit as soon as 2025-2026 and called for a proactive response.

Expressing concern over water scarcity, Baştuğ pointed to the projected decline in per capita clean water availability in Türkiye from 1,500 to 1,100 liters by 2030.

As to the immediate challenges and financial implications posed by the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, which is set to enter into force on January 1, 2026, Baştuğ acknowledged Bursa's environmental awareness and the proactive measures taken by local industrialists. “I am confident,” Baştuğ said, “that the city of Bursa is now ready to successfully navigate the impact of the new rules”.