Garanti BBVA and Bogaziçi University launch online training platform to support women entrepreneurs
The BBVA Turkish unit will offer the first online training session for the Women Entrepreneurs Academy of Türkiye, in collaboration with Boğaziçi University Lifelong Education Center (BÜYEM).

Turkish women entrepreneurs will have access to training sessions on digital marketing, e-commerce, and management and leadership skills thanks to the agreement between Garanti BBVA and Bogaziçi University to support the local entrepreneur ecosystem. Prof. Dr. Ayşegül Toker, Dr. Behice Ertenü, Dr. Fatih Anıl and Dr. Işıl Keskin Şahan will lead the first session, which will also include guidelines on financial health and sales.
The training will be held on Friday, October 21st from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM. Women who wish to participate can register on this link:
"We have transformed our 10-year-long cooperation with Boğaziçi University Lifelong Education Center into the Women Entrepreneur Academy of Türkiye in order to reach more women entrepreneurs,” said Garanti BBVA’s Sibel Kaya. Kaya recalled that Garanti BBVA prioritizes the climate crisis and inclusive growth in all of its activities. “We believe that inclusive growth will be possible with the empowerment of women and their fair and equal opportunities in society and in the business world,” she added.
According to experts, the national GDP would increase 30 percent if women and men participated equally in the economy. The participation of women in business life and employment has been a priority for Garanti BBVA for many years. “Our aim is to increase the rate of women entrepreneurs from 14 to 50 percent. We give great importance to training opportunities in order to improve their management skills, and strengthen their presence in business life," Sibel Kaya explained.
“Thanks to this network for all women entrepreneurs in our country, we will ensure that women get to know each other, build relationships and take advantage of opportunities to collaborate locally," she stated.