SALT commemorates fifth anniversary with emphasis on sustainability
SALT is a unique, constantly growing cultural organization and plays an important role in raising awareness about Turkey's cultural heritage and creating collective memory.

Garanti BBVA founded SALT in 2011 out of its belief that active participation in cultural life, the advancement of individual and collective cultural liberties, the preservation of material and immaterial cultural heritage, and the promotion and protection of different cultural expressions are essential to human development and sustainable growth.
Currently, SALT is focused on the sustainability of our planet, an issue that has recently riveted the world’s attention. To commemorate its fifth anniversary and call attention to the global issue of sustainability, SALT has repeated a screening event, called 'Is This Our Last Chance?' The first screenings took place both in Istanbul and Ankara, in parallel with the United Nations Climate Change Conference held in Paris in 2015.
This year, the event, which has gained increased recognition, reached out to its audience for the fifth time, screening 40 different documentary films analyzing climate change from environmental, cultural, and economic perspectives. The program encourages people to consider climate change from various angles - personal, global, and economic - as well as to consider the role we play as individuals.
Further details about the program can be found by visiting the following link: