QR transactions get a boost from Garanti BBVA
BBVA’s Turkish franchise has integrated the country's code standards into all of its mobile channels, ATMs and POS devices.

During the pandemic, more and more customers turned to electronic payment systems to reduce physical contact when making payments or any other transactions. The use of QR codes became widespread in the country, as more banks offered a more accessible and simpler service for their customers.
In this context, Garanti BBVA allowed its customers using the bank’s mobile banking or Bonus Flash apps to make payments by simply scanning a QR code in POS devices without the need for a physical card. QR codes can also now be used to withdraw or deposit cash from any bank’s ATM - in a completely contactless transaction that takes just a few seconds. Furthermore, customers from other banks also have access to Garanti BBVA’s extensive network of ATMs. Until recently, this QR service was only available for accounts from the same bank.
For Garanti BBVA, convenience is the key in this new technological development. QR transactions make life easier for customers when they forget their wallets or cannot find their cards, for example. Isil Akdemir Evlioglu explained: "At Garanti BBVA, we think it is important to provide services that will make life easier for all of our customers. This latest development in QR codes will take our customers’ banking experience to a whole new level.”
The QR feature is a favorite among Garanti BBVA customers, as there is no need for contact, cards or IBAN codes, the Garanti BBVA executive added. In fact, 31 percent of cash withdrawals from Garanti BBVA ATMs now use QR codes. “We expect this percentage to increase. We are happy to be able to take the experience we offer customers one step further,” he said.