Garanti BBVA launches ‘Garanti Portföy Temiz Enerji Karma Fon’, an innovative fund that invests in capital market instruments tied to Turkish and international companies in the sector of clean, renewable and alternative energy technologies.

The fund is specifically designed to invest in capital market instruments related to companies that contribute to clean, renewable or alternative technologies. Furthermore, they must belong to sub-sectors like advanced materials, renewable energy production (solar, wind, geothermal, etc.), energy intelligence (smart buildings, smart meters, etc.) or energy storage and conversion (advanced batteries, electric tools, etc.)
In line with current trends, those investors who want to incorporate into their portfolio capital market instruments associated with Turkish and international companies from these sectors can invest in the fund, with no set minimum amount.
Garanti BBVA Executive Vice President Mahmut Akten stressed that the commitment to clean energy is growing around the world. These initiatives accelerate the transition toward clean, renewable and alternative energy. “A transition in which Garanti BBVA has played a fundamental role, injecting over $5.2 billion,” he added.
He also underscored that this contribution promotes a sustainable way of life and a cleaner world for future generations. In addition, it is a great opportunity for investors, as companies in the sector are being revalued. In the words of Akten: “Garanti’s portfolio is a reflection of current trends and has expanded horizons thanks to its innovative funds, which meets the expectations of those investors who opt for alternative products."
The launch of the fund ‘Garanti Portföy Temiz Enerji Karma Fon’ underpins the Group’s leadership in the sector and ensures an investment offer that is in line with the clean energy trend. Moreover, it guarantees that those customers who are interested in investing in clean energy will add value to their investments, betting on this sector with great potential for return in the future. “Renewable energy resources are increasingly in style, and thanks to our industry-leading clean energy fund, our customers will be able to invest while helping to improve the future of the planet,” noted Akten.
With these developments, Garanti BBVA are demonstrating once again their commitment to closely follow the markets to provide its customers the best products for these changing times.