Garanti BBVA’s Shop&Fly cards celebrate their first anniversary
Since they were first launched in January 2019, this new generation of cards has distributed millions of air miles, which translates into hundreds of thousands of plane tickets. Shop&Fly card holders can fly to any destination in the world with the airline they choose, paying the taxes with the card.

Shop&Fly turns purchases into opportunities to travel. For every Turkish lira spent, card holders receive a mile to travel, and 1.5 miles if they make the purchase with the Shop&Fly Platinum American Express card. Card holders can plan their travel on the website Over 50,000 transactions were made in 2019.
In addition, BonusFlas card holders were able to benefit from over 300 promotions to obtain more miles, and a wide variety of discounts. Shop&Fly card holders have flown to over 300 cities in more than 100 countries. Antalya, Ankara and Esmirna were the most popular domestic destinations, and London, Amsterdam and Barcelona were the preferred destinations abroad.
Işıl Akdemir Evlioglu, head of Garanti BBVA’s Payment System, says she is very satisfied with the interest customers have demonstrated, and the success of a program that allows customers to earn miles throughout the year and use them easily. “In addition to the benefits of being Garanti BBVA customers, card holders have gained much more by participating in the BonusFlas promotions. Simply put, our customers have chosen Shop&Fly to earn more miles and travel more. Even though it has only been a year since we first launched the card, travel and shopping lovers have enjoyed unique experiences thanks to the miles earned on Shop&Fly, which will continue to be a leader in the sector in the future,” said the executive.