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Awards 19 Jun 2020

Garanti BBVA’s management team wins ‘Corporate Management’ award in Turkey

Garanti BBVA’s management team received first place in the 2019 Corporate Management Awards presented by the Turkish Union of Corporate Management (TKYD).


According to the assessment criteria, Garanti BBVA obtained the best score in the category ‘Company and corporate management’ with a score of 97.28 points. It was also first in the category ‘Executive boards’, receiving a score of 97.55.

In response to this recognition, Garanti BBVA CEO Recep Baştuğ underscored the importance of the bank’s corporate management principles, which are an essential part of Garanti BBVA’s culture. “Principles of honesty, responsibility and transparency, and commitment and accountability to all of our shareholders and the projects with which we are progressing in our digitization journey are factors that shape our bank’s robust management structure,” he said.

We are the point of reference for finance and sustainable development

Baştuğ explained that for many years now,  the bank has been making a tremendous effort to obtain the best possible results. For this reason, he was very pleased to receive the award: “We are happy that these efforts have received first place awards in two categories, and the recognition of the Turkish Union of Corporate Management.”

The executive affirmed that the recognition gives the bank motivation and confidence to take on future projects. “We will continue working, fully aware that our influence and the value we create is not limited to the banking sector. We are the point of reference for finance and sustainable development and our mission is to continue creating value.”