Garanti BBVA strengthens its sustainability credentials
BBVA’s Turkish unit has once again secured its position on both the BIST Sustainability Index and the BIST Corporate Governance Index, which are managed by Borsa Istanbul, Turkey’s stock market.

For the sixth time, Garanti BBVA is listed on the BIST Sustainability Index, the index that features publicly traded companies with best-in-class corporate sustainability performance. The index reflects how companies approach important topics related to sustainability — such as global warming, the depletion of natural resources (including water and waste management) health, safety, and employment practices — and thus facilitates the objective evaluation of the companies’ business activities and corporate decisions.
Garanti BBVA’s standing in so many important international indices confirms that the bank’s environmental, social, and governance practices adhere to world-class standards. Earlier this year, the bank was the only Turkish bank to be included -for the fifth consecutive year- in the Emerging Markets category of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI). This index evaluates a range of factors such as ethics, corporate governance, financial activities, environmental and social performance (across the entire value chain), risk management, climate change measures, transparency, supply chain, and human and employee rights.
Garanti BBVA has secured a place on eight different indices
BBVA’s Turkish unit also continues to be listed on the FTSE4Good Emerging Index, an index that evaluates and lists qualifying companies based on strong environmental, social and governance performance criteria. The index was initially launched by the Financial Times-London Stock Exchange (LSE) joint venture, FTSE Group, which is now wholly owned by LSE.
By virtue of the various gender equality studies undertaken by the bank’s human resources department and the subsequent practices implemented to foster gender equality, Garanti BBVA is the only Turkish company on the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index, which includes 230 companies representing ten different sectors from 36 countries around the world.
As a result of its environmental, social, and governance policies and pioneering practices, Garanti BBVA has secured a place on eight different indices, and it is also one of the 30 founding members (and 130 founding signatories) that spearheaded the Principles for Responsible Banking, a United Nations Environment Program Finance Initiative.