Garanti BBVA leads Responsible Banking efforts in Turkey
Garanti BBVA joined 129 other banks from around the world in signing the United Nations Environment Program Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) Principles for Responsible Banking at the UN General Assembly in New York. The participating banks represent over $47 trillion in total assets. By signing these principles, Garanti BBVA and five other Turkish banks - ING, the Investment and Development Bank, Şekerbank, TSKB and Yapı Kredi - formalized their commitment to leading the way for sustainability in the country.

Garanti BBVA and the other top Turkish banks participating in the initiative met with media to stress the importance of this issue. At the press conference, they discussed how the transformation of the banking industry will have a positive impact on society in general and contribute to a more sustainable future. Melsa Arat, Sabancı University Faculty Member and Corporate Governance Forum Director, hosted the meeting.
Two years ago, Garanti BBVA was one of the 30 banks UNEP-FI invited to come together to establish the Principles for Responsible Banking. “As one of the founding members of this initiative we consulted over 500 stakeholders to determine how we should implement the six principles, which are designed to create a shared sustainability roadmap for banks,” explained Garanti BBVA Executive Vice President Ebru Dildar Edin. On September 22nd, the principles were presented for signature at the United National General Assembly in New York and a total of 130 banks signed them.
Development Investment Bank Executive Vice President, Satı Balcı spoke of just how important the Principles for Responsible banking are to the sustainable future of the financial sector, adding: "Signing up to the Responsible Banking Principles confirms our commitment to sustainable development and a sustainable future. We see it as an important responsibility to accelerate our activities in this area."