Garanti BBVA goes full digital with car loan approvals
Garanti BBVA is streamlining the loan approval process for retail customers seeking vehicle finance. Utilizing the Instant Loan from Dealer (BAK) feature, customers can swiftly complete transactions with digital document approval through Garanti BBVA Mobile app, ensuring an efficient and seamless experience.

Garanti BBVA Executive Vice President Murat Çağrı Süzer stressed the bank's commitment to making customers’ lives easier by evolving its services. While the bank is already the leading provider of consumer finance, the new BAK service streamlines vehicle loans by offering digital document signing via Garanti BBVA Mobile.
Approval via the app enables quick access to credit and money transfers within 30 minutes, and the whole process can be completed from start to finish without leaving the car dealership premises. In addition, this eco-friendly approach aims to save some 600,000 A4 paper sheets annually through digital approvals.