Garanti Bank presents its annual report at the IIRC’s 2019 Global Conference
At the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) 2019 Global Conference, Garanti BBVA presented their 2018 annual consolidated report, which emphasized how important empathy is to the bank’s corporate culture and how this influences their approach to customers,clients and employees. Sinem Ozonur, BBVA Head of Consolidated Reporting at Garanti BBVA, was the first representative from a Turkish company to take the stage and address some of the more note-worthy topics.

In the panel entitled ‘Purpose and profit: The changing value paradigm for business leaders,’ Ozonur shared highlights from the 2018 annual report, including employees’ “true stories” about their experiences helping Garanti customers and clients. Ozonur explained that empathy is the backbone of Garanti’s customer-centric approach and paramount to the bank’s longstanding success.
The 2018 Integrated Annual Report puts the spotlight on several of the hundreds of unique experiences Garanti employees have had with their customers. This feature marks a first in the field, with bank employees telling the stories firsthand on the bank’s website.
Garanti is also the first and only bank in Turkey to disclose the total value it has created in its annual reporting. It does so in a transparent and clear manner through the lens of one of its most important distinctions, its culture of empathy. The bank’s integrated report includes its annual financial and non-financial performance, as well as its contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals.
During the session, Dominic Barton, Chair of IIRC, explained how interesting is to see what happening in Turkey, India or France. "There's a lot of progress there," In addition, the IIRC considered in its newsletter that “businesses including ABN AMRO, ING, Novo Nordisk, Garanti BBVA, BASF and BBVA provided the business perspective as the reporting landscape converges around the concept of value creation, discussing recent innovation around accounting for climate change, implementing the Sustainable Development Goals and the importance of integrated thinking and reporting for delivering this much-needed system change internationally."