Top ways to utilize BBVA USA’s new Personal Banker Bars
A total of 15 new BBVA USA branches will open in early 2021, as announced by the bank recently, with all branches being opened in the bank’s Texas footprint. One of the biggest, and more unique, differences of these modern branches is the new Personal Banker Bar, a feature meant to replace a traditional teller line, and enhance the consumer experience.

The banker bars will be located in the branch lobbies, and are designed to be the first thing that welcomes customers into the building when they enter. The area consists of three bankers, seated side-by-side with a privacy screen between them so that they can have financially-driven conversations with their customers.
There will be more depth to the customer interaction.
“Our Personal Banker Bars are the biggest visual difference that our customers will notice in our new branch model,” said BBVA USA Relationship Model Discipline Leader Cody Sparks. “The interior design isn't the only change - these bankers will be trained to use service-to-sales to make the most of every interaction. Instead of simply performing transactions, there will be more depth to the customer interaction - and it’ll benefit our clients in multiple ways.”
So when a customer walks through the shiny doors of a new BBVA USA branch in 2021, and heads to a seat at the Personal Banker Bar - here are the top ways they can utilize this innovative banking concept:
- Traditional transactions: No change here. Customers can deposit, transfer or withdraw money, cash or order checks, request a new debit card, or get money orders/cashiers checks, among other items usually taken care of in a typical teller line.
- Technology facilitation: The new format makes it even easier for team members to serve as technology facilitators by showcasing our award-winning technology. Bankers can show clients the various functions they can leverage through the bank’s mobile app. From traditional transactions to account origination, these bankers can fully demonstrate how to use the bank’s industry-leading digital capabilities.
- Product origination: While depositing a check, a Personal Banker can start a tailored conversation with that client. In the past, tellers would recommend products, then refer those clients to a banker. In this new model, the personal banker deepens the client relationship, originates the account, and onboards the customer. This only amplifies the bank’s focus on financial health for its customers, as tailored, personalized client solutions can help in their financial journey.