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Technology Updated: 22 Aug 2017

Technology trends for 2016

The BEEVA Trends 2016 report highlights the key IT and Innovation trends for next year.

technology trends 2016 finances innovation development bbva

How should companies address digital change? Is it an easy path? What will be the key trends for 2016? The BEEVA Trends 2016 report analyzes the key trends for next year and also examines the technologies that emerged in 2015 and will become established in the coming months. Six trends for next year:

Information Technologies

Digital transformation is a phenomenon driven by IT areas. This is why companies will have to evolve and change the pace of their IT structures. As Juan María Aramburu, BEEVA CEO, points out: “Technological and methodological advances have brought about a change in the way we conceive information technology. Particularly around the phenomenon of digital transformation”. And to implement these changes, he says that close attention should be paid to digital customers. “A tremendously well informed and unfaithful customer who can choose from multiple alternatives of contents and services. In this context, companies that do not react by switching their strategy and adapt to the new digital market will quickly be dis-intermediated and will lose control over the customers. Technical talent, which fuels digital transformation, will move on to more agile companies”, according to the report.

In this transformation, emphasis is placed on Big Data in real time and machine learning technologies.

Agile methodologies

What is disruptive today is transforming a company from top to bottom”, says José Luis Noriega, commercial director at BEEVA. But he also warns: “Moving too fast sometimes entails a risk, namely adopting something that will soon be overtaken by the new flavor of the month”. This is why he stresses that “it is necessary to allow the new IT system to settle, train the teams and obtain a return on investment. Not everything in IT is disruptive, a change of paradigm or a tsunami. What is disruptive today is transforming a company from top to bottom into a machine for managing the continuous changes that occur in the business context, not in the IT area, and acting with agility”.

Api Economy

The report states that: “We can consider APIs as one of the bases underpinning the digital economy. They enable access to and the exploitation of the assets and data of companies, boosting innovation and the launch of new products and services to the market with greater agility to address the rapid changes in consumer behavior. They therefore drive the growth of applications demanded by users, and companies are realizing the need to establish and promote an apification strategy to support the digital transformation of their businesses.

And he provides some impressive figures: “It is estimated that the API Economy has a huge dimension. Ovum forecasts that the API Economy will amount to US$2.2 trillion until 2018, with the number of companies with apification programs in place growing at a rate of 150% over the next two or three years. There is also an unstoppable movement in the creation of new open APIs. Around 100 new APIs are created every week, with an average growth of 10%. It is estimated that in 2016 there will be one million APIs around the world.

Architecture systems

BEEVA is betting on an architecture of microservices. And why microservice teams? “Assigning microservices to the different teams enables them to choose the technologies they will be working with and be responsible from beginning to end for their microservice. As architectures tend to give up monoliths and adopt microservice structures, we believe that having microservice teams will be the natural trend in the market”, according to the report.


As Marian Claudiu Moldovan -Research at BEEVA Labs- points out: “Traditional architectures are becoming obsolete and interconnecting millions of devices is a challenge. One of the proposed solutions involves adopting the core technologies of Bitcoin, Blockchain and Peer 2 Peer networks”. She also mentions Bluetooth technology and DevOps as one of the main trends for 2016.


Companies must be ready to:

  • Promote self-service.
  • Provide a customized experience.
  • Create a favorable atmosphere for change and ongoing testing.