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Social Inclusion

01 Jun 2024

The challenge of diversity is one of the key transformation pillars for any company. In the case of BBVA, ensuring a diverse workplace, in the broadest sense of the term, allows the company to better address the needs of its diverse customer base and offer a more comprehensive service.

26 Dec 2023

16 Jun 2023

BBVA Asset Management (BBVA AM) has announced the winners of the fifth BBVA Sustainable Future Solidarity Call for Proposals, which distributes a total of one million euros among 23 NGOs throughout Spain. Their solidarity projects are framed within the areas of social inclusion, dependency, the elderly and health, and the environment. In these five years, BBVA AM has distributed more than €4.2 million among a total of almost 100 solidarity projects, generating a direct and indirect positive impact on more than 370,000 people.

05 Jun 2023

04 May 2023

BBVA in Colombia and Bancamía, an entity of the BBVA Microfinance Foundation, have announced that the Transforming Realities Scholarship will widen its scope and, starting this year, will support 100 vulnerable young people in the country so that they can pursue university studies. This initiative benefits the children of Bancamía's micro-business customers throughout the country. In its three previous editions, it has benefited 21 young people from different departments of Colombia.

13 Dec 2022

09 Aug 2022

Around four million people have potentially benefited from the social bond that BBVA issued in 2021, in a placement that amounted to 1 billion euros. Almost 50% of the amount was allocated to the access to essential services category (health, education and financial services), followed by socioeconomic advancement and empowerment (37%), affordable basic infrastructure (12%) and affordable housing (0.6%). Such is the conclusion of the 2021 Green and Social Bonds Report just published by the bank. The document details the environmental and social impact generated by the projects and loans that have been financed with the proceeds of the green and social bonds issued by BBVA, S.A. since 2018, amounting to a total of €5 billion, of which €3 billion were green bonds and €2 billion were social bonds.

26 Jul 2022

The BBVA Microfinance Foundation (BBVAMF) is the first private institution in the world to implement Oxford University's Multidimensional Poverty Index to analyze the condition of the 2.8 million people it supports in five Latin American countries. This indicator gives a better understanding of the gaps in education, health and housing faced by these entrepreneurs' households and enables designing value propositions to improve their living standards.

20 Jun 2022

For the first time in history, the number of displaced people around the world exceeds 100 million, according to the latest UNHCR data. In Ukraine alone, eight million people have fled since February. To put it into perspective, if a country were formed with all of them, it would rank as the fourteenth most populous on the planet as they are equivalent to more than 1% of the world's population. This figure includes refugees and asylum seekers, as well as the 53.2 million people displaced by conflicts within their own countries. Many of them flee with little and have to start from scratch, sometimes from an even more vulnerable situation. Their settlement and success in the country of settlement depends very much on their legal status because displaced, migrant and refugee are not synonymous.

23 May 2022

07 Apr 2022

The pandemic has shown the importance of having insurance to cover hospital expenses, temporary unemployment or death. These unexpected expenditures are a shock for people under vulnerable conditions and their household economy. Microinsurance are products tailored to address these needs and offer protection to low-income persons aiming to guarantee their well-being and security in the face of risks, all at affordable prices.

28 Feb 2022

BBVA allocated €106.3 million to social programs and initiatives that benefited 44.2 million people in 2021. This figure accounts for 20% of total planned expenditure, as announced in the Bank's Community Commitment for the period 2021-2025 (€500 million). In the first year of the period, 45% of the goal of reaching 100 million people has almost been achieved.

09 Dec 2021

17 Nov 2021

In its annual report, Intrama includes the success stories of more than 30 Spanish companies with the best practices in Diversity and Inclusion, of which BBVA is one. The global human resources consulting firm highlights the financial institution's strategic alignment of diversity policies, the communication of its projects and the training provided to its staff in this area.

10 Nov 2021

The BBVA Microfinance Foundation (FMBBVA) organized ‘Connected for digital opportunities’ - an event which H.M. The Queen presided over. BBVA Chairman Carlos Torres Vila, Bank of Spain Deputy Governor Margarita Delgado and the Director General of the BBVA Microfinance Foundation, Javier M. Flores, all participated in the event. The debate focused on boosting economic recovery from a more innovative and inclusive perspective through technology.

08 Nov 2021

“At BBVA, there are more than 100,000 people working in over 25 countries, with a wide range of different cultures, experiences, beliefs, languages, etc. This diversity is a fundamental part of the recipe to our success, and it will make us stronger to face the challenges and opportunities that lie before us,” said BBVA Chairman Carlos Torres Vila at the main event of the bank’s Diversity Days, a series of internal events being held for the second year in a row to share important advances in terms of diversity and inclusion, and to create a space for learning for all of the Group’s employees.

21 Sep 2021

When Blanca Huergo knocked on BBVA’s door less than two years ago, she could never have imagined that she would wind up visiting its Madrid headquarters to meet with its top executives. This young Mathematics and Computer Science student at the University of Oxford has become a role model for many girls in the STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) career areas where they are scarce.

25 Aug 2021

The Turkish men’s wheelchair basketball team, the 12 Brave Hearts, will take part in the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games, sponsored by Garanti BBVA. The players, who have already accumulated some important victories in European and World Championships, including Gold in 2017 and Bronze in 2019 at the European Championships, will once again represent Turkey at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games, as they did in London 2012 and Rio 2016. This year, the Turkish team will compete in Group A and will play against South Korea on August 26. In addition to the Korean team, the group is made up of teams from Canada, Spain, Colombia and Japan, the host country.

04 Aug 2021

30 Jun 2021

29 Jun 2021


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BBVA demonstrates its ongoing commitment to diversity within the institution and the importance of widespread integration, specifically with LGTBIQ + diversity. Here, the bank's employees recount how they themselves have lived it and how their self-run Be Yourself program is cultivating a richer, more talented, and sustainable corporate culture.

28 Jun 2021

14 Apr 2021

18 Mar 2021

The agile work methodology, new skills that teams look for or the recent inclusion of diversity as a strategic business priority are some of the ways in which BBVA’s human team has changed over the past few years. Paloma Tejada, head of Talent and Culture, Agile and Communications, at Client Solutions, BBVA, spoke about all of them in a conversation with Matthew Gamser, CEO of the SME Finance Forum.

09 Feb 2021

StackOverflow is well known in the programming world. On the one hand, it is a portal of questions and answers where developers selflessly help each other with technical issues. It has around 100 million visitors per month and is one of the 50 most popular websites in the world. But it is also famous for its annual reports that analyze the most popular programming languages, or the average salary of its users depending on their role and country based on a survey of 65,000 users. The report includes demographic data, drawing attention to the fact that only eight percent of surveyed users are women.

10 Dec 2020

01 Dec 2020

Between October 2019 and June 2020 women lost jobs at a greater rate than men, while the employment recovery rate in the third quarter of 2020 was slightly higher for men, widening the gender gap. These are some of the key takeaways of BBVA Research’s 'Gender diversity and training' paper. According to the report, published on the occasion of BBVA’s diversity workshop (Diversity Days), training is one of the essential factors to reversing this situation and boosting women’s participation in the digital economy, a sector that’s recovering at a faster pace.

18 Nov 2020

Access to technology and financial education improvement for the entire population, especially the most vulnerable, is essential to achieving an inclusive recovery. These have been the main conclusions from the latest edition of EduFin Talks, a space for reflection and debate on financial education's challenges organized by the BBVA Center for Financial Education and Capability in a 100 percent digital format.

11 Nov 2020

For yet another year, BBVA renewed its commitment to diversity and inclusion and is named one of the Top 30 Spanish companies with the best practices in the field. It was reported in the 2021 VariableD Report from Intrama's ECDI Network, comprised of companies committed to diversity and inclusion. The organization presented its conclusions at the 2020 FactorW Diversity Summit which is the largest national congress on this matter.