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Good Health and Well-Being

19 Mar 2024

20 Jun 2023

25 May 2023

14 Nov 2022

28 Jul 2022


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Sara Kuburic is a Serbian-Canadian therapist, researcher and writer, also popularly known as the online millennial therapist. Over the past few years, Sara has grown exponentially in popularity and recognition as a high-level therapist with expertise in psychology. Now, Kuburic is a columnist at USA Today, where she shares tips and ideas about personal life and well-being.

26 Jan 2022

01 Oct 2021

24 Sep 2021

‘Vamping’ is a term that comes from the English words ‘vampire’ (vampire, animal active at night) and ‘texting’ (sending messages) and refers to the practice, carried out mostly by teenagers, which consists in making excessive use of electronic devices such as cell phones, laptops, tablets, consoles... just before going to sleep. As a result, their rest is affected due to the reduction of the necessary hours of sleep and the effects on our body produced by the light from the screens. This phenomenon is causing many young people to suffer from early insomnia.

23 Aug 2021

22 Oct 2020

The World Health Organization promotes Breast Cancer Day every October 19 to  raise awareness about the commitment of society as a whole to the fight against the most common form of cancer in women. For yet another year, BBVA is organizing a fundraising campaign via Bizum, the leading instant payments solution in Spain, to encourage customer donations in support of the Spanish Association Against Cancer. As an additional gesture of solidarity, this morning, the bank lit up its headquarter buildings in Madrid, La Vela, in pink.

20 Aug 2020

The coronavirus crisis has proven to be a catalyst for workplace flexibility. Companies around the world urgently accelerated their digitization processes in order to first cope with the lockdown measures established in the early days of the pandemic, and going forward to design a new approach to the world of work. If technology served as the primary ally during the initial phase of this transformation, work-life balance is now positioned as the most significant challenge to overcome. BBVA is already preparing for this new reality, evolving its flexible work model, which it implemented two years ago, to cater to the new reality. The bank is responding to important challenges like the use of physical space, goal setting, the new profile of leadership, and employee empowerment and engagement.

05 May 2020

Nearly two months after Spain declared a state of emergency due to the coronavirus crisis, the population has slowly begun to adapt to the lifting of some lockdown restrictions amid lots of questions and fear of a new outbreak. In an initiative promoted by the BBVA Foundation, Dr. Jordi Vila, the Head of Microbiology Services at the Hospital Clínic in Barcelona, gave a videoconference for BBVA employees to answer some of these questions. Among his responses regarding how to return to work in a safe manner, he indicated that “massive testing would be ideal, but it’s impossible from a logistical standpoint,” in his opinion.

28 Apr 2020

Egon Zehnder, a global consulting firm, is holding a round of digital meetings with CEOs of banks around the world to hear about their strategies to navigate the COVID-19 crisis and their insights into unprecedented situation. During a meeting held on April 4, BBVA CEO Onur Genç detailed the Group's priorities in the face of the health emergency caused by COVID-19: safeguarding customer and employee health and continuing to deliver its services and supporting customers.

07 Apr 2020

18 Oct 2019

Each year the International Day Against Breast Cancer is celebrated on October 19. This date serves as a reminder of society’s commitment to fight the most malignant tumor that most frequently strikes the female population. BBVA supports this cause and has launched its “Bonds that Unite” campaign, allowing customers to make donations to the Spanish Association Against Cancer via Bizum. As an additional gesture of solidarity, the bank will illuminate a pink rose on its headquarter buildings in Madrid, Mexico City, and Lima.

28 Mar 2019

BBVA and Jordi Roca, pastry chef at El Celler de Can Roca, have together launched the project ‘El sentido del cacao’ (The Sense of Cocoa), an initiative that aims to raise awareness of the series of conditions affecting the sense of taste and which affect up to 17% of the world's population. This project comes in light of a pioneering investigation based on neuroscience and sensorial management supported by, among other institutions, the Hospital Clínico San Carlos in Madrid and IOB Institute of Oncology.

21 Feb 2018

Sixty per cent of Spaniards look for health-related information online, but only one third of themtrust their search results. This figure is in stark contrast with the level of trust that is placed on thepersonal advice provided by health professionals, about 92%. To address this demand for reliableonline information, Hospital Clínic of Barcelona and the BBVA Foundation have created PortalCLÍNIC.

16 Feb 2018

30 Jan 2018

U.S. researcher James P. Allison has won the BBVA Foundation’s Frontiers of Knowledge award for developing the first highly effective immunotherapy treatment against cancer. Allison´s work has enabled the development of a new class of drugs that employ the immune system to fight cancer, and which have already provided clinical benefits to thousands of patients.

14 Dec 2017

27 Nov 2017

It´s already been proven that music is a balm for the soul, but research increasingly shows that it´s also a powerful medicine for the mind. When sounds reach the ear, a series of stimulants begin to travel over the neuronal connections and the brain releases dopamine, the same chemical substance that produces pleasure from food, drugs or sex. However, music does much more than this.

03 Oct 2017

04 Jul 2016