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Planet> Climate change Updated: 19 Mar 2025

Garanti BBVA sponsors the documentary series, ‘Is this our last chance?’ to put the spotlight on the effects of climate change

‘Is our last chance?’ features eight documentaries that aim to draw attention to the urgent environmental and social impacts of climate change. From rising sea levels and increasing droughts to ecological devastation, the documentaries emphasize the pivotal role water plays in ecosystems, economies, and communities, and call for sustainable management of this vital resource. The screenings will take place at Salt Beyoğlu's Open Cinema from March 19 to April 19, 2025.

General Manager of Salt, Deniz Ova, stressed that the program aims to raise awareness of the environmental consequences of human activities. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the program, which brings together researchers from a variety of different disciplines, such as art, ecology and architecture. “‘Is this our last chance?’ addresses the importance of water resources and their critical role in building a sustainable future given the increasing droughts around the world,” he noted.

Meanwhile, Ebru Taşcı Firuzbay, Executive Vice President at Garanti BBVA and Salt Board Member, reinforced the importance of collaboration in this regard. She stated, “Art unites us in these efforts, and the focus on water is key to the sustainability of our planet. We believe it’s our responsibility to support projects like ‘Is this our last chance?’ that raise awareness of the climate crisis and the crucial role water plays in our lives.”

Prepared by Salt's Fatma Çolakoğlu and Ala Taleb, ‘Is this our last chance?’ is free and open to the public. For more information on the documentaries and the screening schedule go to: