Garanti BBVA makes CDP’s Climate Change ‘A List’ once again
Garanti BBVA was once again included in CDP’s global ‘A list’ for its climate change program thanks to the bank’s sustainability efforts, especially in climate change and inclusive growth. CDP’s climate change program is considered one of the world’s most important reporting platforms. Garanti BBVA has been reporting to the organization’s climate change program, and the public, since 2009, and to the CDP water program since 2015. The bank continues to be the main support of CDP in Türkiye.

Işıl Akdemir Evlioğlu, Executive Vice President of Garanti BBVA, emphasized the bank’s contributions to sustainable development over the past 16 years. “We address sustainability in all its aspects - from gender equality and energy efficiency to financial literacy and the circular economy - and we integrate it into the way we do business.” For example, the bank develops sustainable products and services tailored to each customer segment, and provides support to help them adopt more sustainable business models.
Garanti BBVA is also taking steps to minimize the environmental impact of its own operations. In fact, it was the first bank in Türkiye to commit to phasing out financing for coal activities. It was also the first Turkish bank to join the United Nations Net-Zero Banking Alliance.
“We are very proud to be included once again in the Global ‘A List’ of the CDP Climate Change Program. The fact that our transparent and sustainable business approach is recognized by CDP, one of the most respected international indices, is of great importance to us,” the Executive Vice President said. “We will continue to support our customers with the products and services we have developed to finance sustainable activities. And we will contribute to sustainability in every way possible by pursuing the ambitious goals we have set for ourselves," he concluded.