Garanti BBVA CEO Recep Baştuğ is one of Türkiye’s top 50 sustainability leaders
Garanti BBVA CEO Recep Baştuğ has ranked fourth in this year’s Top 50 Sustainability Leaders list, published by the Turkish edition of business publication Fast Company. Bastug was singled out among nearly 150 leaders of companies, banks and startups, following a thorough selection process by a jury of 34 business personalities and experts from around the world.

Upon accepting the award, Baştuğ said, "As a bank, sustainable transformation is at the heart of what we do. On our digital channels, we calculate the carbon footprint for our individual and corporate customers”. At this point he highlighted that “in Istanbul and throughout Türkiye in general, we are raising awareness in the business community of the impact of the carbon taxes that will come into force in 2026. In this endeavor, success requires that we involve the Government and its efforts, which, I trust, will be forthcoming.”