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Affordable and clean energy

20 Oct 2020

21 Sep 2020

08 Sep 2020

07 Aug 2020

14 Jul 2020

11 Jun 2020

03 Jan 2020

21 Oct 2019

Between January 2016 and December 2018, BBVA Group reduced its energy consumption by 7 percent per employee. This savings reaffirms the bank’s commitment to sustainability. By December 2018, the Group had hit its targets of having 35 percent of the energy it consumes coming from renewable sources and reducing its CO2 output by 27 percent compared to 2016. October 21 marks World Energy Savings Day and intends to raise awareness about energy efficiency and the need for responsible and sustainable guidelines governing the consumption of the planet’s resources.

09 Oct 2019

Energy savings at BBVA’s headquarters is 5,766,731 kWh a year, equivalent to the consumption of 1,900 households. This equals 12 to 15 percent less than when the complex was inaugurated in 2015 and a 1,430-metric ton per year reduction of CO2 emissions. The building’s sustainable design and equipment are not solely responsible for this success: tools powered by artificial intelligence have also been used to optimize the bank's energy use.

10 Jun 2019

How is the electricity market changing with the arrival of renewable energy? How will green energy and its marketing evolve? Are companies advancing in the transition to a decarbonized economy at the pace the planet needs? These are some of the questions posed in the event organized by the newspaper El País “Marketing renewable energy” on June 6th.

03 Jun 2019

A commitment to sustainable development is the best guarantee for a better future. All measures aimed at improving energy efficiency and increasing the use of renewable energy are welcome in this undertaking. This is precisely the objective of the United Nations seventh Sustainable Development Goal (SDG): to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all, an objective that BBVA is also actively supporting.

28 Mar 2019

30 Nov 2018

05 Apr 2018

Renovalia is the first company to secure a 'green project finance’ loan to fund the development of a renewable energy project in Spain. BBVA acted as ‘green loan coordinator’ of this €74 million facility, which will allow the company to fund Project Wind, which envisages the construction of two wind farms, one in Lleida and one in Barcelona, with 70 MW of combined installed capacity.

14 Mar 2017

24 Aug 2016

Renewable energies are not only an investment opportunity, a response to the planet's urgent need for sustainability and a change that will improve our lives –they can also rescue remote populations from their isolation and help ease their problems. Microgrids are making giant strides in every corner of the world, combining goals and mobilizing interests.

21 Jul 2016

Wind has garnered a reputation for being not only an environmentally-friendly, but also a wallet-friendly alternative to produce electricity at a utility-scale level. This is in sharp contrast to the U.S. debut of large wind farms in 1980, which were primarily in response to environmental concerns and emissions reductions standards. Moreover, estimates on the cost of producing electricity with wind energy have been trending downward, making wind energy competitive with conventional energy sources, even after taking into account both government incentives and the historically low prices of natural gas and  coal.

14 Jul 2016

In just a few years, Chile has left behind a power generation landscape dominated by conventional generation sources to become one of world’s top-investors in non-conventional renewable energy projects (NCRE) and one of the regional leaders in solar power technology. The boom is driven by factors such as an extensive coastline, a desert under recurrently clear blue skies and regulations that encourage operators