EduFin Talks 2020 is here, the global debate on the future of financial education
New challenges and opportunities in financial education and inclusion will be the main topic of the third edition of EduFin Talks. The BBVA’s Center for Financial Education and Capability presents the new edition of EduFin Talks, a space to reflect on and discuss the challenges of financial education. This year it will be held fully online.

Prominent international experts will participate in this global event, which will take place on November 17th starting at 4:30PM (GMT + 1:00) and last for approximately an hour and a half. In this third edition, the conversation will focus on the main challenges the sector faces in order to achieve an inclusive global recovery - a topic of particular interest due to the COVID-19 crisis, which has had a severe impact on millions of people’s finances.
The event will begin with a welcome from José Manuel González-Páramo, chairman of the Advisory Council for BBVA’s Center for Financial Education and Capability. Next, there will be a round table discussion entitled “A new era for financial education” featuring Andrea Liesenfel, Deputy Head of Unit Retail Financial Services at DG FISMA, European Commission; Pablo Adrián Hardy, Head of Economy and Business at The Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB) and Mayada El-Zoghbi, Managing Director of the Center for Financial Inclusion (CFI). The panel will be moderated by Leora Klapper, lead economist at the World Bank’s Development Research Group. At the end of this meeting, there will be a question and answer session with this panel of international experts to address any questions that may have arisen during the discussions. Antoni Ballabriga, Global Head of Responsible Business at BBVA, will be in charge of the closing remarks and for presenting the final conclusions of the event.
In a practical and dynamic way, the EduFin Talks cover policies and lines of action to address present and future social challenges in which financial education is a lever for action. Through these talks, the Center for Financial Education and Capability is promoting a broad and inclusive concept of financial education in which it has a high, transformative social value that helps make people’s well-being and a more inclusive society a reality.
EduFin Talks is part of BBVA’s long-term commitment to financial education. A commitment that has benefited 15.5 million people since 2008 with €89 million invested in different programs being implemented everywhere BBVA has a presence.
Due to the global pandemic this year's edition will be held online. EduFin Talks 2020 is an interactive event. You can also follow the Twitter profile of BBVA’s Center for Financial Education and Capability, which is inviting everyone to participate in the conversation with the hashtag #EduFinTalks2020.
Registration is completely free and available on this link. The event will be streamed in both Spanish and English.
The complete program is available here.