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BBVA turns Madrid into the global capital of financial education with the 2019 EduFin Summit

BBVA is holding the leading international event on financial education. The third edition of the 2019 EduFin Summit will take place on July 11th and 12th, with the participation of BBVA Group executive chairman Carlos Torres Vila; Bank of Spain Governor Pablo Hernández de Cos; and Spanish Banking Association (AEB) Chairman and CEO José María Roldán. Over 30 global experts from 16 countries will debate how the digital revolution can contribute to people’s financial well-being.

EduFin Summit 2019 Madrid_BBVA_

The most important experts in financial education - including actors from government agencies, universities, think-tanks and education and finance professionals - are coming together for the third edition of the 2019 EduFin Summit in Madrid.

EduFin Summit is the Center for Financial Education and Capability’s global event that discusses financial health and education every year. This edition will focus on how digitization helps improve people’s financial health.

In the plenary sessions, panel discussions and round table debates included in EduFin Summit’s program this year, experts will share success stories from different countries, discuss the need for the technological revolution to become more inclusive and the use of chatbots and artificial intelligence in the day-to-day of personal finances.

July 11th

José Manuel González-Páramo, the Head of Global Economics, Regulation and Public Affairs at BBVA, will give the opening remarks at the EduFin Summit. The first day will then follow with a presentation on digitization and financial health by Flore-Anne Messy, the Head of Financial Affairs Division at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

Next, former Peruvian Finance Minister David Tuesta will moderate a round table discussion entitled “Financial education for everyone: how to avoid exclusionary digitization”. Rolando Arellano, Chairman of Arellano Consultoría para Crecer; Verónica López Sabater, Director General of AFI; John Taylor, President and Founder of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition in the U.S. (NCRC); and Fernando Tejada, Director of the Market Conduct and Claims Department at the Bank of Spain, will participate in the discussion.

The second round table of the morning will draw a global map of digital financial education, moderated by Liliana Pozzo, Advisory Services Manager for Latin America at the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation. Wang Wei, Chairman of the Chinese Museum of Finance; Raymond Frenken, Director of Communications and Corporate Responsibility for the European Banking Federation; and Silvia Singer, CEO of the Interactive Museum of Economics in Mexico will participate in this debate.

In the afternoon session on July 11th, the Madrid EduFin Summit experts will analyze the financial capacities and challenges of the digital revolution.

In this regard, the round table discussion “From the abacus to the chatbot” will feature Maria Demertzis, Deputy Director of Bruegel; Blanca Narváez Vega de Seoane, Director of Junior Achievement Spain and Ryan Swift, Vice President of Financial Education at EVERFI.

The first day of the event will conclude with presentations on “Small big stories: screens that create opportunities” by Fabián Goldberg, the Head of Training at the BBVA Microfinance Foundation, and David Carrasco, Director of Sales, Pensions and Marketing at BBVA Asset Management. Guillermo Jr. Cárdenas, Director de Evaluation and Best Practices at BBVA Research in Mexico; Luz Martín Manjón, from BBVA’s Advisory Services and Digital Transformation Area; and Ana María Hernández Moratilla, who works on UX Leadership and Design at BBVa, will share their experiences.

July 12th

On the second day of the 2019 EduFin Summit in Madrid, BBVA Group executive chairman Carlos Torres Vila and Bank of Spain Governor Pablo Hernández de Cos will speak.

The first round table of the day will start with “Data, Cookies, Robots: a matter of trust for financial services”.

BBVA’s Global Head of Responsible Business, Antoni Ballabriga will moderate a panel including Spanish Banking Association (AEB) Chairman and CEO José María Roldán; Helen Gibbons, Board Member of Better Finance; and Diana Mejía, senior specialist in productive and financial development at CAF Development Bank of Latin America.

At mid-day, Helena Koning, Senior Managing Counsel at Mastercard will give her presentation “From contactless to artificial rntelligence: the path to financial well-being.”

At a second roundtable, the speakers will analyze how technology can serve as a driver of people’s financial health. Hania Farhan, Senior Director of Methodology at Gallup; Bart de Langhe, Associate Professor of Marketing at ESADE; Dagmar Van der Plas, Global Director of the Think Forward Initiative and Sustainability Manager at ING will participate in the debate. This roundtable will be moderated by Darren Easton, Senior Director of the Financial Health Network.

José Manuel González-Páramo and a representative of the Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB) will give the concluding remarks for the event.

The EduFin Summit is organized by BBVA’s Center for Financial Education and Capability, in collaboration with The World Bank, the Institute of International Finance (IF), the OECD, and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

Other organizations collaborating in the event include SEGIB, CAF Development Bank of Latin American, the European Banking Federation, the Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center, the Center for Financial Inclusion, as well as various institutions, industry associations, consumers groups and NGOs, which are part of the Center’s Advisory Board and contribute their knowledge and experience in financial education and training.

The EduFin Summit is part of BBVA’s long-term commitment to financial education - a commitment that has benefitted 13.4 million people with €80 million invested in different programs in 2018. In this same year, the bank invested €7.5 million under its Global Financial Education Plan.