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BBVA supports financial literacy in Uruguay through the teachers

BBVA is committed to education in the various Latin American countries in which it operates. One good example is Uruguay, where the Bank has funded a training program for teachers at public and private schools.

The value of things, the motivation for buying, why it’s a good idea to save, what responsible consumption is and other related topics are some of the issues addressed by this remote training program organized by the OIS-Mercosur Office in Uruguay. The goal is to train the teachers in topics related to the economy, ethical and social commitment, and the responsible use of financial resources.

This course, called “Civic Education Program Linked to the Economy and Responsible Use of Resources” and funded by BBVA, is offered free of charge and has a tutorial system to clarify teacher doubts of questions with respect to the program’s materials and activities. With this initiative, the Bank is promoting financial literacy, in this case through the teachers. They will be in charge of instilling in their students essential knowledge on financial culture and the values related to the responsible use of money.

130 teachers from around the country and from all education levels have registered to follow the course online. At the end of June, 60 of them took part in a first face-to-face workshop attended by the Secretary General of the OIS, Paulo Speller.

It is not the first time that BBVA is involved in projects to promote financial literacy in the countries in which it is present. Its relationship with the Organization of Ibero-American States (OIS) began in 2009 with the signing of an agreement to support the early childhood program, which ran through 2014. The projects carried out include a training course for primary education teachers.

In 2015, BBVA signed with the Ibero-American Foundation for Education, Science and Culture, belonging to the OIS, a partnership agreement to continue to work together for children with various initiatives. The experience was so positive that both institutions have once again organized a common project with this course for teachers. 

BBVA’s activity also includes initiatives such as the Community Involvement Plan for Latin America launched in 2006, which is focused on the education of children and young people and their social integration. As regards teacher training, the Bank has already organized other similar courses within BBVA Bancomer’s “Valores de Futuro” (Future Values) program and meetings as part of Acción Magistral (Teacher Action) in Spain, where teachers get together to share and analyze best practices in financial literacy.