BBVA signs accession to the Diversity Charter
Fundación Diversidad's initiative, promoted by Fundación Alares, aims to foster inclusion and equal job and promotion opportunities at the workplace, and to open a forum where participating companies can share good practices. Clara Barrabés, head of the Diversity and Inclusion project, BBVA Talent & Culture Area, signed the document that confirms BBVA as a company committed to diversity, during an event that took place at the European Commissions’ Madrid headquarters.

The goal of the Diversity Charter, implemented in Spain by Fundación Diversidad, is to develop the equality and anti-discrimination directives adopted by the European Union in 2000 in public and private organizations. In Spain, 924 companies, employing more than 500,000 people in total, have already signed the charter.
BBVA renewed its commitment with the Diversity Charter and formalized its accession during the event organized by Fundación Diversidad. Under the title “Challenges and Advances in Cultural Diversity at Spanish Businesses and Institutions,” the initiative’s signees discussed some of the key hurdles encountered, as well as the major milestones achieved, in these matters.

Companies adhered to the Diversity Charter - Fundación Divesidad
BBVA’s commitment to diversity
BBVA’s commitment to diversity and inclusion has turned the Group into one of the leading corporate voices on the matter. As a result, the company is listed in some of the world’s most prominent rankings on the matter, including Bloomberg's Gender Equality Index, Equileap’s ‘Gender Equality Global Report & Ranking’, and Intrama’s Informe VariableD2019, which ranks Spain’s top-30 businesses in diversity and equality practices.
Some of the initiatives promoted by BBVA, such as a project to promote the use of inclusive language when advertising job openings, have been chosen by the World Compact Spanish Network as one of the best business practices related to SDG 5. Also, the Group recently joined REDI, Spain’s most prominent business association fostering LGTBI inclusion.