BBVA listed in the Dow Jones sustainability index
BBVA is listed in this year’s edition of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), the market’s benchmark index, which tracks the stock performance of about 3,400 listed companies in terms of environmental, social and corporate governance matters.

BBVA is included in both the DJSI World and the DJSI Europe indexes, with an overall score of 81 points, according to the analysis prepared by sustainability agency RobecoSAM. Garanti Bank has also been listed in the DJSI Emerging Markets Index for four years in a row.
Some of the highest-rated aspects in BBVA’s analysis were the bank's fiscal strategy, information and cybersecurity policies, risk management and environmental opportunities and financial inclusion. Another key element was its Pledge 2025, announced earlier this year.
“Banks play a pivotal role in driving the planet’s sustainability, due to their ability to funnel funds to finance sustainable projects. For BBVA, being included in the index represents an endorsement of its strategy and its recent initiative to mobilize €100 billion to fight climate change and foster sustainable development,” said BBVA Global Head of Responsible Business Antoni Ballabriga.
Banks play a pivotal role in driving the planet’s sustainability, due to their ability to funnel funds to finance sustainable projects
The DJSI Index, launched in 1999, is an international sustainability benchmark. It analyzes a range of companies from across the world using a best-in-class approach, and includes only ten percent of the companies in each industry. In this edition, ten of the 27 banks included globally are European.
Listed companies are required to fill out and submit a thorough questionnaire every year, consisting of about one hundred questions that cover a wide range of issues, including corporate governance systems, climate change strategy and talent management.
BBVA in sustainability indexes
BBVA is listed in the world’s main sustainability indexes, including the MSCI ESG Leaders Index, the FTSE4Good Index, Euronext Vigeo Eurozone and Euronext Vigeo Europe 120 Indexes and the Ethibel Sustainability Excellence Europe and Global Indexes.
To be listed in these indexes, companies are required to demonstrate constant progress in sustainability matters. For companies, inclusion in this type of indexes has a relevant impact in terms of their eligibility for investment portfolios, as non-financial factors continue to become increasingly important in their decisions.