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BBVA listed again in Dow Jones Sustainability Index

Yet another year, BBVA has been included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), the market’s leading benchmark index, which measures the economic, environmental and social performance of the world’s most valuable companies.  BBVA’s inclusion in the DJSI World and DJSI Europe indices was announced today Friday, September 13. Garanti BBVA was also included in the DJSI Emerging Markets and is the only company in Turkey which qualified for fifth consecutive year.


BBVA achieved the highest possible score in financial inclusion and occupational health and safety, and high scores in other areas such as climate strategy, environmental reporting and corporate citizenship and philanthropy. In this edition, a total of 25 banks have been included in the index at global level and 9 at European level.

“This award comes as a recognition to our purpose of bringing the age of opportunity to everyone. We strive to have a positive impact on people’s lives and society at large, firmly committed to the current climate crisis and to sustainable development, something that both the market and the DJSI have appreciated again this year”, said BBVA Global Head of Responsible Business Antoni Ballabriga.


The DJSI Index, launched in 1999, is an international sustainability benchmark. It analyzes a range of companies from across the world using a best-in-class approach, and includes only ten percent of the companies in each industry.

The analyzed companies (by sustainability agency SAM) are required to complete and submit a thorough questionnaire every year, consisting of about one hundred questions that cover a wide range of issues, including corporate governance systems, climate change strategy and talent management.

BBVA in sustainability indices

BBVA is listed in the world’s main sustainability indices, including the MSCI ESG Leaders Index, FTSE4Good Index, Euronext Vigeo Index Eurozone and Europe 120 and the Ethibel Sustainability Excellence Europe and Global indices. The company is also included in Bloomberg’s gender-equality index.

To be listed in these indexes, companies are required to demonstrate constant progress in sustainability matters. For companies, inclusion in this type of indexes has a relevant impact in terms of their eligibility for investment portfolios, which concede an increasingly importance to non-financial factors.