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BBVA earns the gratitude of the Madrid Food Bank Foundation for the help provided during the pandemic

BBVA Asset Management (BBVA AM) and BBVA Next Technologies, the BBVA Group’s dedicated software engineering company, have been recognized by the Food Bank Foundation for the valuable financial support they provided over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. This recognition showcases the BBVA Group’s firm commitment to championing worthy causes that have a positive impact on society.

Francisco García, presidente de Fundación Banco de Alimentos, y Laura Sánchez, responsable de Sostenibilidad de BBVA Next Technologies

More precisely, BBVA AM, as part of the 3rd BBVA Fondo Futuro Sostenible ISR Solidarity Call for Proposals, donated €35,000 to the Food Bank Foundation to help them carry out their project ‘Committed to the most vulnerable and committed to the environment.’ This donation enabled the Foundation to acquire a hybrid liquefied gas vehicle bearing the ECO label, as well as a cold room to help keep food fresher for longer.

The new van can hold one ton of food and, by running at least one trip per day, the Foundation hopes to reach a target of at least 20 tons of food per month and more than 200 tons per year. By collecting refrigerated and/or frozen food, the Foundation can supply more protein-rich food in frozen form, thus complementing the food that is handed out daily to the most vulnerable people or those at risk of social exclusion who are supported by various charitable organizations. Upward of 160,000 people in Madrid have benefited from BBVA’s generous donation, both directly (more precisely, those living in the South Metropolitan area of Madrid) and indirectly (by enabling the transfer of refrigerated and frozen food between our warehouses).

BBVA recibe el reconocimiento de la Fundación Banco de Alimentos de Madrid por su ayuda durante la pandemia

“Having access to this type of vehicle has been incredibly beneficial for our Foundation, and will be even more so following the entry into force of the new Law on the Prevention of Food Loss and Waste, which singles out food banks as the first recipients of surplus food to avoid its destruction, seeing as though they can now transport it in refrigerated environments, thus keeping it fresh,” explained Mila Benito, Head of Marketing and Communication at the Madrid Food Bank Foundation.

“In these past four years, BBVA AM, thanks to the BBVA Sustainable Future Solidarity Call for Proposals, has allocated more than three million euros among more than 70 projects linked to the Sustainable Development Goals. For us, being part of this initiative that helps and promotes solidarity projects is a way of being close to society. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank the Food Bank Foundation for their ongoing commitment and support for society and to express our utmost gratitude for the daily work carried out by all their volunteers,” proclaimed Luis Vadillo, Head of Business at BBVA Asset Management, upon delivering the aid.

A few weeks ago, BBVA AM launched its 5th BBVA Fondo Futuro Sostenible ISR Solidarity Call for Proposals. In this latest edition, BBVA AM will once again deliver a further one million euros to 23 NGOs across all of Spain, whose primary aim is to undertake projects in the fields of social inclusion; dependency, the elderly and health; and the environment. The call will run until 17 March.

BBVA recibe el reconocimiento de la Fundación Banco de Alimentos de Madrid por su ayuda durante la pandemia

BBVA Next Technologies, supporting worthy causes and committed to society

BBVA Next Technologies earned kudos from the Food Bank Foundation for the donation made in 2020 to support those most in need amid the COVID-19 pandemic. More precisely, it funded the Foundation’s Christmas celebrations.

In 2021, BBVA Next Technologies staged a repeat of this solidarity initiative by designing an Advent calendar, with several challenges that employees had to overcome to earn points that were later turned into money to donate to an NGO.

“Seeing the success of the 2020 edition and knowing how many people we had helped, we decided to repeat the initiative in 2021 and do it in a slightly more original way. The team’s idea is to extend these collaborations over time and to be able to help the Food Bank Foundation through specific volunteering initiatives,” explained Laura Sánchez, Head of Sustainability at BBVA Next Technologies.