BBVA Asset Management distributes another €1 million to 23 charitable projects in its fifth call for proposals
BBVA Asset Management (BBVA AM) has announced the winners of the fifth BBVA Sustainable Future Solidarity Call for Proposals, which distributes a total of one million euros among 23 NGOs throughout Spain. Their solidarity projects are framed within the areas of social inclusion, dependency, the elderly and health, and the environment. In these five years, BBVA AM has distributed more than €4.2 million among a total of almost 100 solidarity projects, generating a direct and indirect positive impact on more than 370,000 people.

BBVA Futuro Sostenible ISR is a socially responsible solidarity investment fund (SRI) that, for the last five years, has been donating a portion of its management fee every year to solidarity projects. The investment product, which has been in existence for more than 22 years, currently has more than €2 billion in assets and almost 80,000 members. The management team selects companies that integrate opportunities to minimize environmental, social and governance risks into their strategy and operations, in order to create value in the medium and long term.
On this fifth anniversary, BBVA AM once again distributed one million euros among 23 projects on different themes in various parts of Spain. The full amount of the donation will have a direct impact on 24 provinces in twelve different autonomous communities, as some projects are carried out in several regions at the same time.
Around 170 BBVA and BBVA AM volunteers from all over Spain have participated in the selection, evaluation, and analysis of the candidates in order to choose the best projects to fight climate change and inequality through inclusive growth.
The financial endowment has been divided into three donations of €100,000 for a project in each of the three areas of action: the Fundación Cris de Investigación para Vencer el Cáncer (Cris Research Foundation to Fight Cancer), with a project on dependency, the elderly and health; the Fundación Balia por la Infancia (Baila Foundation for Childhood), with a social inclusion project, and the Fundación Ecología y Desarrollo (ECODES) (Ecology and Development Foundation) with an environmental project.
The remaining €700,000 has been allocated to 20 donations of €35,000. This year, for the first time, these donations have been divided between social projects (four donations for each of the four geographical areas into which the national territory has been divided) and environmental projects (four donations for projects that promote and care for the environment in any part of the national territory).
Link to the rest of the winners
The four geographical zones into which it has been divided are: Zone A (Community of Madrid and Castilla-La Mancha), Zone B (Catalonia, Community of Valencia, Region of Murcia and Balearic Islands), Zone C (Galicia, Principality of Asturias, Cantabria, Basque Country, La Rioja, Navarre, Aragon and Castilla y León) and Zone D (Extremadura, Andalusia, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla).
BBVA Asset Management for sustainability and social integration
BBVA AM has been committed to sustainable investment for years. Indeed, the asset manager is a pioneer in the application of environmental, social and good governance (ESG) criteria in its investments, having signed the United Nations Principles of Responsibility (UNPRI) in 2008.
Since then, BBVA AM has been strengthening its commitment to sustainability by incorporating ESG criteria in the investment process of all the vehicles it manages, based on four pillars: commitment, exclusion, integration and impact strategy.