BBVA among the 200 companies worldwide most advanced in gender equality
For the second year in a row, BBVA has been named among the 200 companies in the world most advanced in gender equality, according to the Gender Equality Global Report & Ranking. The ranking is carried out annually by Equileap, an organization created with the goal of promoting progress in gender equality on a corporate level.

The index drawn up by Equileap, which looks at close to 3,000 companies in 23 countries, is based on a points system in 19 areas which range from general equality in top management to salaries, conciliation and gender-equality promotion policies. BBVA placed 161 in the index.
This recognition follows BBVA’s inclusion in Bloomberg’s Gender-Equality Index for 2018, which recognizes the achievements of companies in equality policies, both regarding their own employees as well as support for social initiatives and its offer of products and services which prioritize this commitment.
BBVA Compass, the Group’s U.S. unit, has been included in the highly-regarded ‘DiversityInc Top 50 Companies for Diversity’, which recognizes the 50 most diverse companies in the United States. BBVA Compass was given the highest possible rating in the Corporate Equality Index in 2018. The Group’s Mexican unit BBVA Bancomer was recognized by Great Place to Work as one of the best places to work in Mexico in the area of diversity and inclusion.
BBVA’s progress in diversity and gender equality
BBVA clearly focuses on diversity because it believes that teams made up people with different ways of thinking and of tackling problems and taking decisions obtain better results. The Group is working toward having more women in the highest echelons of the organization. The Board of Directors has set itself the goal of having at least 30 percent of its composition made up of women by 2020, compared with 27 percent currently.
It has also adopted the Rooney Rule in its hiring policies and requires that at least half of the candidates for in-house promotion be women.
BBVA understands diversity in the fullest sense of the word in that it not only covers the question of gender but also age, culture, capacities etc. The introduction of agile work methodologies helps BBVA in this task by creating multi-disciplines teams with the autonomy and scope of execution in areas they are responsible for as a means of fostering diversity.