BBVA makes a donation to projects for a greener and more inclusive world on the occasion of its General Shareholders' Meeting
BBVA is firmly committed to working towards building a greener and more inclusive society. To this end, for the second consecutive year and on the occasion of the Annual General Meeting, the bank will make a donation of 300,000 euros to social organizations working in four areas related to the environment and inclusive growth. ATADES, Aldeas Infantiles SOS, Asociación Amica and ECODES were the winning organizations in 2022.

In November 2021, BBVA launched an open call for proposals, which drew more than 90 candidate projects from a wide array of NGOs. These are the winners in each of the four categories that BBVA defined for social organizations to present their projects:
- ATADES (“Asociación Tutelar Aragonesa de Discapacidad Intelectual”) [Aragonese Guardianship Association for Intellectual Disability] will receive 104,520 euros in the Inclusive Growth/Health and Dependency category for its 'Autonomous Life and Inclusion' project, which aims to help people with disabilities to remain in the environment in which they live their lives.
- “Aldeas Infantiles SOS” [SOS Children's Villages] in Spain will receive 67,750 euros in the Inclusive Growth/Education category, for its 'No Child Left Behind' project, aimed at providing educational and technological support to children in vulnerable situations and strengthening the parenting skills of their families.
- Asociación Amica will receive 66,497 euros in the Environment category, for its 'Diverse Nature, Diverse People' project, which focuses on the recovery, conservation and improvement of biodiversity by people with disabilities.
- ECODES - “Fundación Ecología y Desarrollo” [Foundation Ecology and Development] will receive 61,233 euros in the Inclusive Growth/ Inequality category, for its 'NO Home Without Energy' project to tackle energy poverty, improve energy efficiency and the economy of Spanish homes.
Each of the entities received 50,000 euros. The remaining 100,000 euros were distributed proportionally according to the votes cast by the shareholders, who voted their preference on the areas of social action raised in the call for proposals. The results of the vote were: health and dependency 54.52%, education 17.75%, environment 16.50% and inequality 11.23%.
In this edition, the four winning organizations were selected in two phases: first, Fundación Lealtad assessed the candidate entities, reviewing the details submitted and their compliance with the requirements established in the rules of participation. Subsequently, a multidisciplinary jury made up of BBVA representatives and leading social organizations selected the winning entities, looking at the significance, viability and impact of each project.
A two-year old project
BBVA launched this project in 2021, with the aim of helping to alleviate the effects of COVID-19 on the most vulnerable. Thus, the entity made a charitable contribution of 300,000 euros in Spain, for the first time, coinciding with the celebration of its General Meeting.
The NGOs selected in 2021 were Médicos del Mundo, Fundación A la Par, Fundación Educo and Fundación Exit. In total, 14,000 shareholders took part in the process, a number that exceeded the expectations of this first edition.