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'Creating Opportunities'

'Creating Opportunities'

Students, teachers, doctors and researchers; micro-entrepreneurs, farmers and small business owners; artists and NGO volunteers... Millions of people around the world are benefitting from BBVA's social initiatives to build a better world for themselves and those around them. Their stories will be featured in the ‘Creating Opportunities Together’ initiative, a project through which the bank plans to raise awareness and recognize an effort that frequently goes unnoticed.

They are both refugees. Einstein, considered one of the greatest geniuses in history, fled Nazi occupied Germany to the United States in 1933 after his civil liberties were revoked and he was barred from his professorship for being an outspoken opponent of the government. Fortunately, Princeton University recognized his intelligence and offered him a job. A fortuitous event that changed his life and ours, yet for many refugees today, such opportunities are scarce.

More than 60 Engineering team members are one step further along on their path to become Ninjas, and recently earned “belts” at a ceremony recognizing their accomplishments. The Ninja Project, a global initiative founded in 2016, empowers and supports continuous learning and self-development while showcasing the talent and technical prowess of Engineering team members at BBVA.

A world of opportunities awaits you at BBVA—literally. The bank’s Global Mobility program recently debuted, and U.S. employees with a keen sense of adventure are exploring  opportunities to work overseas. The mobility program is designed strategically to attract and retain talent across the bank’s footprint, which spans 31 countries across four continents, explained Sonia Storer, BBVA USA director of talent acquisition and development.

BBVA USA is taking its small business-focused initiative to the Rocky Mountains, announcing today the beginning of its Entrepreneurial Opportunity Contest in the Denver area.

  • Contest: The initiative with The Business Journals was first held in four markets in the first part of the year.
  • Criteria: Businesses with innovative services, products, or business model submit their entry for a chance to be selected as finalists and pitch to a panel of judges.
  • Prize: The winning business will be awarded $10,000 and an opportunity to compete for $50,000 at the final event in Phoenix against previous winners in other markets.

Business Banking Officer (BBO) Chris Sievers’s relationship with the Colorado bank that would eventually become BBVA began more than 20 years ago when he was in high school, contracting as a handyman for the bank. This May, Sievers celebrates an official 20 years with BBVA and his journey, like many here at the bank, is one of opportunity and internal mobility. He shared how BBVA has fostered his growth and development over the years, from one career-enriching role to the next.

There are more than two million people in five Latin American countries who work hard day in and day out to overcome barriers, live in dignity and make their dreams come true. More than two million entrepreneurs who are supported by the BBVA Microfinance Foundation (BBVAMF) so that their small businesses - their livelihoods - flourish. Of these two million people, most are women who are examples of how much can be done with so little. The Organization of American States (OAS) presented the BBVAMF an award for promoting the empowerment of women in Latin America - the region with the highest inequality in the world.

BBVA Compass teamed up with Experian to give small business owners access to expert advice and insight at a recent national webinar. The online workshop was intended to help small business owners and entrepreneurs navigate the impact of the 2018 tax law change which may permit taxpayers other than corporations to deduct of up to 20 percent of their qualified business income from a qualified trade or business under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

This summer, BBVA launched the first edition of the BBVA Values Global Recognition Program. It’s a special recognition designed to reward employees who best represent BBVA’s Values: The Customer Comes First, We Think Big, and We Are One Team. The awards are called the ViVa Awards.

Whether you’ve just finished school and are beginning your career, or you’re taking inventory of your current career path, it’s important to take steps to take control and direct the course of that path.

BBVA has celebrated its first ‘Values Day.’ A day to embrace and live the values of the Group: Customer comes first; We think big; We are one team. BBVA Executive chairman Francisco González and CEO Carlos Torres Vila reaffirmed these values as “the heart of a long process of transformation that the bank is spearheading at a global level.”