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25 Mar 2024

BBVA ‘Aprendemos juntos 2030’ is debuting the second season of ‘Desafios’ (Challenges), the program in which Generation Z talks about its challenges. In the seven years since it was launched, the global project has surpassed three billion views and has over eight million followers.

26 Dec 2023

31 Aug 2023

15 Nov 2021

A team of university students from Mexico developed an app in just three days to meet customers' needs in terms of finances, entertainment, shopping and transport. Thanks to their business acumen and the use of artificial intelligence and QR code payments, they were able to win the 2021 BBVA Hackathon, which brought together 752 participants from different countries virtually.

06 Oct 2020


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Carlos Torres Vila shared his personal views on education during an episode of  BBVA's educational program 'Aprendemos juntos' (We learn together), in collaboration with Spanish daily El País. BBVA’s Group executive chairman took questions from students, parents and teachers, in a talk entitled 'Life lessons:values, success and leadership.' In his opinion, education is the "driver of growth in society, the door to opportunities and a force, perhaps the most important there is, to correct the inequalities that exist in our society.”

22 Sep 2020

Carlos Casas, Global Head of Talent and Culture at BBVA, was tasked with delivering the closing speech at the latest edition of Sondersland Fest, a virtual event that brought together in Madrid top talent experts to share their insights on the latest trends on this matter with the thousands of young professionals that participated. “We are currently living a key moment where industries that are experiencing powerful transformations, such as ours, must transmit to younger generations what it takes to build the talent that the market professionally demands,” explained Casas.

15 May 2020

Scammers adapt quickly to new trends, exploiting them to lure new victims. An example that has gained notoriety in recent weeks: web sites promoting fraudulent Fortnite offers. Fortnite is a popular video game and is being used by cybercriminals as an enticement to misappropriate user data.

02 Apr 2020


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Noam Chomsky is one of the frequently cited intellectuals in history. Considered the founder of modern linguistics, he has written numerous essays that made their way around the world. In the field of linguistics, he introduced the ‘Chomsky hierarchy’, generative grammar and the ‘universal grammar’ theory.

17 Dec 2019

31 Oct 2019

World Savings Day celebrates a financial habit that should be learned from an early age to ensure better financial planning in the future. Young people aren't adults yet and don’t have the financial responsibilities of grownups. But, as kids become teenagers, they do have to start facing certain challenges, such as managing their monthly allowances to save a bit - or at least not overspend - or start using their first bank account.

18 Jun 2019

09 Jan 2019


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A neurologist and a mother: that's how Frances Jensen, one of the most respected international researchers of the adolescent brain, defines herself. She is chair of the Neurology Department at the University of Pennsylvania. In her latest work 'The Teenage Brain'. "Teenagers are learning machines," states this neurologist, although she qualifies that "they learn both the good and the bad equally well." From her privileged position as a scientist, teacher, and mother, Jensen explores and dispels myths about adolescence and provides practical advice on how to get through this complex stage of life.

16 Nov 2018

The market for influencers is in full expansion mode. This trend has proven to be an opportunity not only for the influencers themselves – or those who aspire to become one – but also for companies that see an opportunity to promote their products or services.

12 Jun 2018

02 Mar 2018

Fair-trade coffee, quality guarantee, ecological tomatoes… consumers read the labels on the things they eat. But is there any way of checking that what they say is correct? In order to do so, you would need a register of the processes to which the product has been submitted, something blockchain can do.

07 Feb 2018

Over 1,000 aspiring chefs and culinary students from around the world have submitted applications to take part in the scholarship program launched by BBVA in early January, in partnership with The World's 50 Best Restaurants organization. The winner, who will be announced on April 18 and presented in Bilbao at the annual The World’s 50 Best Restaurants awards ceremony in June, will get the chance to complete a training program in restaurants Mugaritz, in San Sebastian, Spain, and Atelier Crenn, in San Francisco, California.

24 Jan 2018

Whether it’s chatting, finding your soul mate or jotting down notes, there are few things that twentysomethings and younger people can’t do on a smartphone. With so many applications available for smartphones, which are the ones most preferred by millennials?

04 Jan 2018

28 Dec 2017

17 Nov 2017

24 Oct 2017

The tenth month of the year is the most 'summertumn’ of all. Check iWeather on a smartphone to see if it’s too cold to wakeboard. Use a laptop to find the best less-mainstream brunch spot in the Malasaña neighborhood. Having a hard time understanding? Maybe some millennial tips are needed to learn the slang.

20 Oct 2017

The objective is not an easy one to achieve: making sure that the products that reach the market are the ones customers need and demand. The task is even more complicated if production must be speeded up, in order to reach the market before the competition. Tech companies were pioneers in facing this challenge; they did so by using agile methods, a way of working that has played a key role in the success of companies like Google and Spotify, and which BBVA has made a fundamental tool in accelerating its digital transformation.

19 Oct 2017

05 Oct 2017

22 Sep 2017

BBVA Global Head of Talent and Culture Ricardo Forcano told the young people attending the jobs forum organized by the newspaper El País that the world in which we are going to live in the coming decades will be one of constant and rapid change, which will radically transform the labor market. The Head of Talent and Culture at BBVA recommended that young people seeking employment cultivate their curiosity, empathy and integrity.

21 Sep 2017

Dreamers are individuals who were brought to the United States before the age of 16 and who don’t have lawful immigration status.  They’re pursuing the American dream. They came to the United States as children and many of them discovered as adolescents that they had entered the country without documents. They’re the “dreamers” - immigrants and, most of them children of immigrants who are trying to escape from their legal limbo.

21 Aug 2017

Under 30, entrepreneurs and digital. This are the common traits that define the young Europeans chosen by Forbes magazine in its '30 Under 30' list. A mobile navigation aide for the visually impaired, a meal kit delivery platform, a t-shirt that allows users to peek inside the human body, a nightlife finder in London... Many tech-related projects that deserve special attention.  Here we take a look at a few of them.

03 Aug 2017

Vacationing is easier with a smartphone at hand and a handful of essential apps for the beach, the mountain or the city. Whether to save on fuel, park in the shade or find the nearest public restroom, a millennial’s vacation wouldn’t be the same without a bit of digital help.

22 Jun 2017

Age makes a difference – a big one – when it comes to downloading apps. Centennials prefer Snapchat, Instagram and Vine. Millennials like Tinder and Soundcloud. Generation X looks for apps to watch movies and for travel. And baby boomers? They prefer apps to monitor their health.