Simple Customers Save More Than $1.2 Million Using Round-up Rules
Simple, a subsidiary of BBVA USA, today announced its automatic savings program, Round-up Rules, reached a benchmark of more than $1.2 million in customer savings accounts.

The optional Round Up allows Simple customers to have their debit card transactions rounded up to the nearest whole dollar amount, with the remainder transferred to a personal savings account.
Hijirida: "Our customers consistently tell us that they want to save money, but it can be a challenge to get started."
“Our customers consistently tell us that they want to save money, but it can be a challenge to get started,” said Simple CEO David Hijirida. “We established Round-up Rules as a painless way to start saving money a little at a time.”

Simple CEO David Hijirida
Since the program’s beta test in September 2019, followed by a full launch in late October, more than 18,000 Simple customers have opted in.
Hijirida: "We have a wonderfully dedicated group of customers that value our budgeting software."
Hijirida says Simple remains focused on creating an integrated and automated budgeting and banking experience with its Goals, Expenses, Safe-to-Spend, and money movement Rules. “We have a wonderfully dedicated group of customers that value our budgeting software,” said Hijirida. “They tell us they have gotten out of debt, they don’t have to worry about what they can afford or can not afford to spend anymore, and we are adding more core banking products and tools to meet their increasing demands.”

Simple has no physical branches, offering a FDIC-insured checking account (backed by BBVA USA) built to help customers save money and engage in smart spending with built-in budgeting tools.
“Our goal is to help our customers feel more confident with their money,” said Hijirida. “Round-up Rules is a great way to get started, and because the money that is rounded up is transferred to a high-yield account, their savings grows even faster.”
Learn more about Round-up Rules here.