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Banking Updated: 27 Jun 2016

Santiago Fernández de Lis, elected Chairperson of Banking Stakeholders Group

The European Banking Authority (EBA) announced the appointment of Santiago Fernández de Lis, Head of Financial Systems and Regulation at BBVA Research, as Chairperson of its Banking Stakeholders Group (BSG).

European Banking Authority (EBA)

The mission of the EBA’s Banking Stakeholder’s Group is to support the authority within its field of comeptence, and specifically in matters related to technical standards, guidelines and recommendations on banking regulations, with particular focus on common supervisory culture, peer reviews of competent authorities and assessment of market developments.

The EBA's Banking Stakeholder Group is composed of 30 members appointed to represent in balanced proportions credit and investment institutions operating in the Union, as well as consumers, users of financial services, academics and representatives of SMEs. The institution’s Chairperson plays a key role, as he/she organizes and leads the group’s meetings, coordinates their positions and rerpesents the group before the EBA.

Profile of Santiago Fernández de Lis:

Santiago Fernández de Lis

The new Chairperson of the EBA’s Banking Stakeholder’s Group is currently the currently Head of Financial Systems and Regulation at BBVA Research.

Between 2007 and 2011 he was a Partner at International Financial Analysts (AFI – Analistas Financieros Internacionales). Also, between 2001 and 2007 he served as Director of the International Department of the Bank of Spain, where he has also held other management positions.

Between 1998 and 2000 he worked in the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, in the secretariat of the Committee of the Global Financial System (CGFS).

Fernandez de Lis is also an economist from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, was a lecturer in Universidad Carlos III (Madrid) and is the author of several papers on financial stability, financial regulation, monetary policy, international economics and central banking