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Sustainability and Responsible Banking

Sustainability and Responsible Banking

In just a few years, Chile has left behind a power generation landscape dominated by conventional generation sources to become one of world’s top-investors in non-conventional renewable energy projects (NCRE) and one of the regional leaders in solar power technology. The boom is driven by factors such as an extensive coastline, a desert under recurrently clear blue skies and regulations that encourage operators

BBVA Group and the Regional Government of Catalonia signed a deal to roll out a social housing project. Within the framework of the agreement, the institution will temporarily transfer tenancy rights over 1,800 housing units to the Generalitat.  The 8-year agreement also sets out a social inclusion plan to improve the personal prospects of the beneficiaries. With this social agreement, BBVA’s social housing portfolio now stands at 7,000 units in Spain.

Studies run by the Government Delegation on Gender-Based Violence have shown that violence against women continues to exist among Spain’s youth and school children. One of the main difficulties with gender-based violence is that victims often do not recognize themselves as such.  Which makes the ability for teenagers to detect the first signs of abuse absolutely critical.

The presentation ceremony of the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards again transformed Madrid headquarters of the BBVA Foundation, into a window from which to contemplate some of the key ideas, insights and challenges that define the modern age.

From childhood, Ilkka Hanski was a keen butterfly collector. At the age of eight he found a specimen of a species considered extinct in Finland, and a professor at the University of Helsinki specializing in that species sent him one of his scientific papers.

If a person’s tweets reflect their interests, there can be little doubt as to what makes Martin Ravallion tick. His account directs followers to articles on the exodus of Syria’s refugees; the importance of the world’s poorest having access to information; campaigns to tackle child malnutrition. Ravallion, an economist, is aware that his vision of economic science “is not shared by the majority.” And he quotes historian Max Hartwell: “Economics is, in essence, the study of poverty.”