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Citizens, companies, city councils and institutions from all over the world will turn off the lights this Saturday, March 23 for Earth Hour to fight against climate change and the loss of biodiversity. BBVA participates for yet another year in this initiative organized since 2007 by the World Wildlife Fund, turning off a hundred headquarters, corporate buildings and branches spread throughout all the countries where the bank is present.

BBVA will reduce to zero its exposure to coal-related activities, stopping the financing of companies in this business by 2030 in developed countries, and by 2040 in the rest of the countries of its footprint. This decision, which is included in the updated BBVA's Environmental and Social Framework, is in line with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) proposal. This aims to limit the rise in temperatures to a maximum of 1.5ºC and achieve the ambition of a carbon neutral economy in 2050.

Both organizations have announced a global collaboration agreement to promote equality among girls and young people with a focus on female role-models. "We are convinced that we can curb the impact of gender stereotypes in a simple and effective way, by teaching girls about successful women that can help them become aware of all the opportunities within their reach", said BBVA global head of Talent and Culture Carlos Casas.

The appropriate design of a product can help reduce its environmental impact and make it last longer. More and more companies are turning to materials that are more durable and easier to recycle. One of the key aspects of product creation is predicting the possible repairs owner may have to make.

The European Commission has published its taxonomy for sustainable finance, a classification instrument to help financial players and companies determine which activities qualify as sustainable. Investments in projects and activities that pursue the European Union’s environmental goals contribute to the transition towards a low carbon economy.

The rise in the global temperature has negative effects on the planet - effects that are difficult to revert in some cases. Increasing frequent heat waves, devasating fires - like the recent fires in California - and natural disasters like tropical cyclones, floods and droughts, have had an enormous impact on the environment and socioeconomic development.