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In this episode of BBVA Greenfluencers, Dharel Patel, Head of Environment & Sustainability at National Express, tells us how Mobico (National Express) is leading the process of accelerating the decarbonization of transport and supporting cities in the UK to become more sustainable and environmentally friendly.

The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the Humanities and Social Sciences category goes to American psychologist Elke Weber in recognition of her research into “environmental decision-making and human responses to climate change.” Weber was the first psychologist to join the IPCC, a group of experts to which she brought her knowledge of decision-making theory.

We are immersed in an exciting era of unprecedented transformation in economic history. Two global macro trends will change the economy and industry as we know it in the coming years: first, technological disruption driven by advances in artificial intelligence; secondly, decarbonization. These emerging megatrends will transform business models in all sectors and provide an unprecedented opportunity for innovation and entrepreneurship.

“Decarbonization is a technological revolution that requires innovation and financing. Its scope is global and it will affect all industries and sectors,” said Antonio Bravo, Global Head of Sustainability Strategy and CIB at BBVA. In the framework of the Energy Tech Summit, which ended yesterday in Bilbao, Bravo emphasized “the key role” of financing new clean technologies. “BBVA is committed to financing cleantech to facilitate its growth on an industrial scale,” he stressed.

BBVA is sponsoring the Energy Tech Summit, Europe's largest conference on innovation and investment in climate technologies and cleantech. More than 1,000 attendees from 40 countries including startups, investors, companies and government representatives will participate on April 10 and 11 in this event to be held at the Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao. The forum aims to connect and amplify the impact of new cleantech technologies in the fight against climate change.


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Here is the twelfth episode of BBVA Greenfluencers, in which Juan José Freijo, Chief Sustainability Officer and VP, EMEA Government Affairs, Brambles, one of the World's leading companies in reusable packaging services, reveals the secrets of their successful circular business model and what role sustainability plays in it.