For the fourth consecutive year, the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI)¹ awarded BBVA the best score in the European banking category. The DJSI, which released its new annual breakdown on December 8, 2023, is the world's leading sustainability index. A total of 27 banks from around the world won a place in this year’s ranking.
BBVA’s Turkish unit has just renewed its $415 million syndicated loan based on environmental, sustainability and governance (ESG) criteria.
For the second year in a row, in its announcement of the winners of its World 's Best Private Banks Awards 2024, US magazine Global Finance has named BBVA as the best private bank in the world for sustainable investment.
Producing hydrogen from renewable energy is a key challenge on the path to decarbonization and asset managers such as Hy24 are confident that this technology will reach maturity within the decade. BBVA has invested ten million in one of Hy24’s funds, which uses its capital to finance large-scale clean hydrogen infrastructure projects. Notably, it is the world’s largest clean hydrogen fund.
LGBT+ diversity is already the third-highest priority in corporate projects, behind only gender equality and inclusion of people with disabilities. Half of major Spanish companies have LGBT+ diversity programs. This figure drops to 34% in the case of IBEX 35-listed companies. These are some of the findings of the first major survey that looks at business management of LGBT+ diversity in Spain, promoted by BBVA, REDI and UN Global Compact Spain.
As a young boy, like any child, William had his own dream: to start a school. But he was born in a place where dreams rarely came true.
NGO Aflatoun International presented the Teachers Academy Foundation (ÖRAV) the ‘Teacher Professional Development’ award for its social and financial leadership program ‘5 Pebbles,’ a project supported by Garanti BBVA. The awards ceremony took place at the 6th Global Social and Financial Skills Conference, in Utrecht, The Netherlands.
BBVA in Colombia granted 3.8 billion pesos in sustainable lending between January and August 2023, with $2.4 billion going to inclusive growth projects and $1.4 billion for climate action pursuits. These figures are already up on last year’s total figure and 66% higher than in August 2022.
As part of its efforts to further increase financing for renewable energy projects, Garanti BBVA recently announced an agreement to provide €36.1 million in financing to Galatya Energy Production Inc. for the Işıklar Wind Power Plant.
It is the BBVA Group’s first ever blue bond, which are securities used to finance projects geared toward ocean sustainability and the Blue Economy.