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The rise in the global temperature has negative effects on the planet - effects that are difficult to revert in some cases. Increasing frequent heat waves, devasating fires - like the recent fires in California - and natural disasters like tropical cyclones, floods and droughts, have had an enormous impact on the environment and socioeconomic development.

Energy savings at BBVA’s headquarters is 5,766,731 kWh a year, equivalent to the consumption of 1,900 households. This equals 12 to 15 percent less than when the complex was inaugurated in 2015 and a 1,430-metric ton per year reduction of CO2 emissions. The building’s sustainable design and equipment are not solely responsible for this success: tools powered by artificial intelligence have also been used to optimize the bank's energy use.

Miriam, Charo, Sara and Vanessa are the role models that were missing. Like many other women, they had to face the difficulties that arise when working in a world that is traditionally dominated by men. And now they serve as examples for many girls and youth who dream of a future where no one stops them just because they are female. In collaboration with the organization Inspiring Girls, BBVA brought these women to one hundred youth to show them that the princess from the fairytale now wants to be a police officer, engineer or pilot.

More than 265 million children are not enrolled in school;  22 percent are of elementary school age. Despite global advances made across a number of fields efforts addressing education need to be redoubled to ensure that no one is left behind. United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 is summarized under the heading: "Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all." BBVA is contributing to this SDG with important international social education programs.

As part of its commitment to the communities it serves, BBVA is contributing to the fulfillment of the UN's second Sustainable Development Goal (SDG): to end hunger and promote sustainable agriculture. The 17 SDGs are a universal cry, calling for the adoption of measures to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. With this initiative, the UN appeals to businesses to take a stake in public-private alliances and join forces by uniting their efforts behind this initiative.

BBVA has a core purpose of bringing the age of opportunity to everyone. The first step toward fulfilling this purpose has to do with the bank’s contribution to attaining the first of the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): the end of poverty. The 17 SDGs are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. The UN has called on companies to unite their efforts and initiatives in this area, with a focus on public-private partnerships.

Diversity has become one of the keystones on which to build the workforce of a company. A workforce encompassing different world views will be better at addressing the particularities of all customers and will be able to offer a better service to society as a whole. BBVA is taking its commitment to diversity one step further and developing a project to change the way of writing job postings to attract more diverse talent.

"Sun-dried organic banana, a little bit of butter, sugar, guava jam..." Step by step, Diana Céspedes recited one of the recipes that she and other 16 women know by heart. They've already executed the same procedure a million times, but today, it has to be perfect because it's not everyday that they welcome a queen.