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BBVA Podcast 29 Oct 2020

The very real, very exciting future of branches

BBVA USA frequently leads the banking industry in digital transformation, rolling out award-winning products, and collaborating with fintechs and tech giants to bring a new, convenient age of banking to its clients.

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However, there is a common misconception with consumers and banking publications alike that deem digital banking and branches as mutually exclusive.

This is not the case with BBVA.

In 2020, BBVA saw some developments that proved this - especially when considering the pandemic. In this podcast, we’ll take a look at BBVA’s actions in 2020, how it used innovation and data to reboot its branch network in a COVID world, and its branch strategy moving forward into 2021. Spoiler alert: Its branch strategy is moving in the opposite direction of most banks across the country.

We first start with the journey the bank’s branch network underwent at the onset of the pandemic, and how BBVA used it as an opportunity to implement its innovative thinking.

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