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BBVA Podcast Updated: 28 Jul 2020

''The millennial philosophy that helps you live today'', Massimo Pigliucci

What is stoicism and how can it help us manage a life crisis? A doctor and professor of philosophy, Massimo Pigliucci faced a critical juncture with the death of his father and undergoing a divorce. He looked to the ancient philosophers for answers and discovered “virtue ethics,” an approach to life that advances human improvement through the development of values.

00:00 56:54

“Stoicism tries to eliminate destructive emotions as much as possible while cultivating the positive ones. The Stoics concluded that a good human life is that in which we apply reason in order to improve society. If we improve as people, we will be improving society; and if we work to improve society, we will automatically be improving ourselves,” the professor explains.

Massimo Pigliucci is a doctor of genetics, evolutionary biology, and philosophy, which is what he teaches as a professor at City College of New York and writes about on his blog, How to be a Stoic. His notable works include A Handbook for New Stoics: How to Thrive in a World Out of Your Control and How to Be a Stoic: Using Ancient Philosophy to Live a Modern Life.

'Aprendemos juntos' is an educational project developed by BBVA to make our brand promise a reality: Creating opportunities. This initiative is also the result of a collaboration with El País and Santillana Group.

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