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BBVA Podcast 26 Nov 2018

Podcast: "Technology has a huge impact on people’s lives," Francisco González

“Deep Talks” interviews people who see transformation as an opportunity to have a positive impact on their surroundings. The first program features BBVA Group Executive Chairman Francisco González.

00:00 25:38

PODCAST IN SPANISH - Duration: 25:23

Shortly after announcing his departure from BBVA following 18 years as Group Executive Chairman of the bank and nearly four more years as Chairman of Argentaria, Francisco González offered listeners an overview of his career. He analyzed how important it is to “know how to adapt” to changes and look at challenges “as an opportunity”. He also shared how transformation related to technology has been a constant in his life. “I have always looked ahead. I’ve been more interested in the future than the present. In some way, this curiosity for the future led me to my first job not having anything to do with my first career.”

During the interview, BBVA’s Group Executive Chairman explains that his first job was a programmer at IBM in 1964. “An exciting job because technology has a huge impact on people’s lives - from a social and an economic perspective.”

The program covers many of the most important topics to Francisco Gonzálex, such as the change in corporate culture at BBVA, adapting the bank to technology, new competitors, engaging with customers, who should have control over data, the macroeconomic situation and global politics.  He notes with pride that: “We have a bank that is at the forefront of global banking in that long path to digital transformation. We have saved time, and time is a priceless asset.”

He also recalls that a company’s values are essential to its proper functioning: “You cannot build a large corporation in the information society if it’s not based on solid principles.”

Francisco González also reflects on how he will spend his time when he leaves his current position - a day that “will be strange” after more than five decades working. He reveals that he “will be close” to young people “looking to do interesting things in the world of education and health” - two areas he is passionate about because they help to make “society more united and better for everyone.”