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BBVA Podcast 24 Dec 2018

Podcast: Learn to think and think to learn, Robert Swartz

A distinguished professor at the University of Massachusetts and holder of a PhD in Philosophy, Robert Swartz is considered one of the most influential voices in education. Head of the Center for Teaching Thinking (CTT), Swartz is the creator of the Thought-Based Learning method (TBL), that teaches students to make decisions through critical thought and to think creatively and autonomously. For Swartz, thinking and reasoning properly is a social function, which is why it is so important that, at schools, students develop, share ideas, and learn by working together.

00:00 32:03

Duration: 32:02

'Aprendemos juntos' is an educational project developed by BBVA to make our brand promise a reality: Creating opportunities. This initiative is also the result of a collaboration with El País and Santillana Group.

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