Podcast: Can a group of children with access to the internet learn on their own?, Sugata Mitra
A doctor in physics and professor of educational technology at the University of Newcastle (United Kingdom), Sugata Mitra became world famous when TED, the organization that promotes technology, education and design, chose his talk as the most inspiring and with the greatest potential for change in 2013. He is also known for his “Hole in the Wall” experiment, which inspired the novel that later became the movie ‘Slumdog Millionaire.’ Today, his educational proposal, SOLE (Self-Organized Learning Environments), has experiences in schools of over 50 countries.
Duration: 66:44
'Aprendemos juntos' is an educational project developed by BBVA to make our brand promise a reality: Creating opportunities. This initiative is also the result of a collaboration with El País and Santillana Group.
All BBVA podcast episodes are available in the following platforms: iVoox, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcast and bbva.com.
- Podcast: What makes the world's happiest people different?, Tal Ben-Shahar
- Podcast: Mindfulness in education, Eline Snel
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- Podcast: Blue School: from Broadway to the classroom, Matt Goldman
- Podcast: "Help your children discover their passions", Richard Gerver
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