Podcast: Blue School: from Broadway to the classroom, Matt Goldman
Matt Goldman is internationally renowned for being one of the three members of the New York theater company Blue Man Group. He explains, “As artists, we had the feeling that culturally, something was missing in schools.” Concerned by the future of society and education, in the year 2006 the Blue Men founded the Blue School in New York. “We realized the many aspects of the Blue Man Group, like social conscience, collaboration and the research approach could fit perfectly in the environment of a different school,” he explains.
Duration: 30:47
'Aprendemos juntos' is an educational project developed by BBVA to make our brand promise a reality: Creating opportunities. This initiative is also the result of a collaboration with El País and Santillana Group.
All BBVA podcast episodes are available in the following platforms: iVoox, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcast and bbva.com.