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Mobile banking 24 Jun 2020

"Amplifying digital now more vital than ever"

The future will never look the same. If one were to scour news articles and studies around the current health situation, one will find that a good portion of medical experts will convey this concept. It’s difficult to say what the future will look like in multiple facets of society, but it’s safe to say that the ripple effects will be prominent, at least in the beginning.

00:00 24:59

Good health practices have dominated headlines. So have finances - both with small businesses and personal. With the Paycheck Protection Program and stimulus checks very much part of the U.S. COVID-19 narrative, the banking industry has also strolled down the path of adaptation. For BBVA USA operations, sights were already set on the future as the bank charted its journey into the 2020s. For more than a decade, the bank has been a pioneer in digital banking, foreseeing the impact of the digital revolution.

The bank has now launched its new mobile banking app, Mobile 9.0, and expanded transaction detail screen in mobile and online banking, capabilities already being developed pre-pandemic, and products that will further help people control their finances in the wake of the coronavirus.

However, these are just a few parts of the story regarding the future of banking in the eyes of BBVA.

BBVA USA President and CEO Javier Rodriguez Soler gives his take on the future of the U.S. banking industry, and BBVA USA Head of Business Development Jose Luis Elechiguerra dives deeper into the bank's new digital products.

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