Óscar Cabrera: “Colombia’s true potential will be revealed when the barrier posed by violence has been removed”
Óscar Cabrera has worked for the BBVA Group since 1998 and for the past eight years has been the head of BBVA Colombia. Madrileño by birth and Colombian by adoption, he feels that finally achieving peace is one of the country’s greatest challenges.

2016 is the 20th anniversary of BBVA’s connection to Colombia. Throughout this period, the institution has supported the country’s development with major investments – a reflection of the group’s support for Colombia’s potential. "Given this context, what BBVA Colombia has done is invest – year after year,” Cabrera explains. He underscored the last three years’ strategic plan, which has strengthened the franchise considerably in an effort to reinforce the country’s momentum.
Cabrera underscores three of Colombia’s best qualities: strong institutions, orthodox economic policies and top-notch human talent. He also adds that the country is being observed by the international community despite the barriers posed by the violence: “Colombia has been in style in recent years amid a very complex international environment.” This is why there are high expectations for the country, Cabrera explains: “A favorable outcome from the peace process” would finally allow Colombia’s potential to flourish.
Personal profile

Name: Óscar Cabrera Izquierdo
Age: 50
Place of bith: Madrid (Spain)
Years with BBVA: 21 years
Career track:
1995-1998 Deputy-Director General of Accounting and Consolidation BBVA Madrid.
1998-2003 Corporate Director of Strategic Planning BBVA Group.
2003-2008 Chief Financial Officer BBVA Bancomer (México).
2008-2016 CEO BBVA Colombia.
Hobbies: Reading and sports.