Online purchases of Mexican millennials
Sixty-seven percent of Mexican millennials, young people between 18 and 34, make purchases over the internet and most of them pay with PayPal.

Sixty-seven percent of Mexican millennials, young people between 18 and 34, make purchases over the internet and most of them pay with PayPal. A study conducted by the payment platform reveals the habits of Generation Y with regard to eCommerce. It indicates that currently their favorite platform for making payments is PayPal itself, namely 90% of Mexican millennials point to it as their favorite for doing this.
Seventeen percent of young Mexicans use their own smartphone to browse different websites looking for products or services and thus make their purchases, which is a high percentage for Latin America, but puts them below the world average which is 20%. Most young people still prefer devices with a larger screen like a tablet or computer when shopping online.
What do Mexican millennials spend their money on when they buy online? The PayPal survey indicates that 55% of young Mexicans prefer courses, apps, music, movies, etc. Fifty-two percent buy clothes, including shoes and accessories, and 41% choose electronic products.
In terms of consumer electronics, 4 specific products should be highlighted that are their favorites, cell phones such as the Samsung Galaxy S6 and the iPhone 6, according to The Competitive Intelligence Unit 24% of Mexicans from Generation Y that have a smartphone have a Galaxy S6 and 15% have an Apple-branded phone. External batteries are other items that are emerging because they are very useful and economical, earphones or headphones are other products with a high percentage of Internet sales.
The data relating to streaming is mind-boggling, and the fact is there are already 2.4 million subscribers who have joined the direct world since its arrival in 2011.